Sunday, April 3, 2011

gender bender, bats, Climate Change, handicap, lost family, love, Goldman Sachs Carnival dreams

Dream diary update. Well I've been putting off making an entry for 8 days now. I find that last week my dreams have become less transformational and violent and more obsessed with things and material objects.Perhaps its because I've grown complacent in my pauper status here? Time and again as I woke up this week my dreams involved going from one novel object to the next until I felt like the only Walmart cashier at a store whose manager installed 2 art galleries and a humor section. Last weekend I had some gender-bender dreams including another homosexual Earth one. Monday and Tuesday my dreams were about dying bats and Climate Change weather again. Wednesday I had dreams about being handicapped or inadequate. Thursday night my dreams became of my nephews. Apparently I was worried about them while going to bed. I was fearful for their future but it translated in my dreams into a disconnected separation fear that I finally overcame early Friday morning around 0600 when I awoke. I barely slept Friday night except for 3 hours before and 2 hours after Classic Arts Showcase. I had dreams then about being in love again though in my dreams Friday I believed that I had forgotten how (I haven't.) Just now I had 3 hours of dreams that were more lighthearted. Sort of a Benny Hill meets Family Guy dream. But there was still a snake in my dream playground as between the laser light shows and circuses I felt a dark secret was being hidden from me. The masters of that place which looked suspiciously like my alma mater wanted to hide the fact that they controlled every aspect of life there while they kept me snake-fascinated with the giant ball of tape and Chewbaccas, dancing girls and mimes. I've been having dreams like this one about a life of being stuck in a delightful but diabolical Carnival of Souls every time I hear how Goldman Sachs officers are making more money. I view them as dreams about being stuck on a treadmill in American Capitalism like those from The Great Gatsby. Unlike Gatsby for his 20th century dreams, I see nothing novel and puissant in 21st century over-consumption but merely a buffoonish waiting game with an unpleasant end for most involved.

Yesterday Reuters wrote that Blankfein had them bonus him with $1M and a total of $14M to himself and a few others. I sort of view those at Goldman now as the Enron that got away with their frauds. Like Enron their company doesn't actually produce anything except more power for the Fed and less for customers and investors..