Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tornado summons, Cats dancing dreams

Dream diary update. Friday I had dreams about old men torturing me. I worked up enough courage to confront their bullies working in a restaurant. When I went in I could almost see the sarcastic laughter of the kitchen staff as they closed all the windows to the dining room by pulling the slatted blinds down. I could hear their laughter even though I could feel myself growing flush with power and anger as a storm whipped up above the restaurant. I could feel the tornado touching down above even as I knew they were no longer there leaving only echoes of their laughter. I disappeared in a gust of wind through the wall around the main window that rocked the restaurant and awoke around 0600.
About an hour ago I had another dream about doing some detective work for some lost things. It was the world from Cats The Musical again.My calico long-hair cat Fluffy was there too dancing solo ballet even though she acted like she barely knew me. She paused in her dancing long enough to touch my face for a moment and muss my hair. I had to find all the lost things to get out of Cats world but I was having poor luck. Even though I was in no hurry I found the first lost objects as I awoke around 0400.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vampire Squid, Ogres dancing, hawks, mountain Kings, Sun gods, Moon maidens, horseshoe crab dreams

Dream diary update. I've spent about 10 days away from the dream diary. I had several very wonderful nights of great dreams at first from Sat Mar 12 to Mon Mar 14. I decided to put off the entries while I concentrated on dropping off more easily to have them. Then Tues Mar 15 we left for the Smokies mountains cabin and I was cut off from the Internet until Fri Mar 18. I've been slow to get back up to speed on my blogs. I started Youtube and Twitter slowly since then and I only made 1 Facebook entry and 0 Tumblr. This is my first attempt to recall anything for the Blogger Dream Diary. I felt after the mountains dreams that a hiatus from internet was good since I started having religious dreams again.
Lets see, the most memorable dream from Mar 12 to Mar 14 was another dream about Vampire Squid while napping midday on Saturday March 12. The next most memorable dream was about my sister and I at 0805 on the morning of Tuesday March 15. We were both huge grinning ogres and I had my hands on her shoulders while we buffoonishly stomp-danced together as I awoke. The good thing about this is we both weren't human but indestructible ogres. Therefore we were quite satisfied with ourselves at the new top of the food web with humans below us. On awakening I immediately had to get it together to road trip for 7 hours to our cabin. Mom gave me 25 min extra to get ready and pack. I cat-napped over the trip and almost kept a written diary my dreams were so interesting. I incorporated details about the drive in a Freudian sense into the other dreams that day. Once we reached N Carolina Smokies from Tuesday Mar 15-Friday March 18 I had dreams about various CNN stories I was following, being a hawk, mountain Kings, and Sun gods. Musical accompaniment for these dreams varied from In the Court of the Crimson King to The Planets and The Four Seasons.
 This weekend from Friday March 18-Tuesday March 22 there was a season change to Spring and a Super perigee moon. During that time I've been having dreams about dancing with my cats, the moon, and the seas. Just an hour ago I had a dream about the Nature/PBS episode I was listening to. As I listened half-asleep to Crash: A Tale of Two Species I remembered horseshoe crabs from the aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN. Consequently my dream was about living with the ancient crabs on the shores and in the estuaries of their various habitats.