Tuesday, January 10, 2012

unemployed poet, river of blood, Russian spy, green Wolf Moon, Groo the Wanderer dreams

   Dream diary update. Saturday early AM I had a dream about being an unemployed poet ( not so different from reality, since I'm an unemployed scientist.) The dream-weather was weird and surreal with a 60 mph wind from the Northwest. I really wanted to remember some of my dream-poetry since I was quite taken with it even though it was short and childish.
   Saturday night I fell asleep after my nephew left around 9 pm. I woke up around 11:30 pm after a troubled dream about being helplessly carried by the currents in my own arteries. I was a tiny swimmer in giant rivers of blood with great spouts and a huge waterfall where my heart was supposed to be located.

   Sunday night I fell asleep after watching the new Season 2 opener for Downton Abbey/PBS. I was extraordinarily distracted by my stray thoughts during the second half. I dreamed I was a spy again, this time for Russia.
   This morning after another restless night I ate breakfast and fell into bed with Skanky cat. I had a very restful dream about cloud flyovers with a huge green moon overhead just before sunrise. Once again I woke up after about 150 minutes. Coincidentally, there is a January full moon tonight, i.e. a Wolf Moon. I think I knew this even though I failed to realize it consciously until the weatherman said it later on Chicago's WGN News at midday. This dream subject shouldn't be surprising since I remember thinking about how beautiful wolves are while watching Nature/PBS Sunday evening. They made the point that North American wolves wouldn't be coming back now without the EPA.

   This afternoon after our walk I fell asleep in a nap while rocking Skanky cat in the recliner.I dreamed I was Groo the Warrior, happily drinking and whoring and slaughtering my way across Medieval Europe.
   This dream subject surprised me, though it shouldn't have. I used to always dream I was Groo the Wanderer after falling asleep reading issues of MAD magazine. Yesterday I tried looking online for examples of Sergio Aragonés work doing toons of Occupy Wall Street protests for MAD's December 2011 issue #513. It was to no avail since MAD's business model is to aggressively censor digital media. I remember how they used to keep phonograph tech alive with little plastic 45 LP cardboard inserts. Too bad I can't really afford their $6/issue fee these days for their rag.