Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Terraforming Mars bungee, Shaman energy signatures, Nephilim shadows dreams

Dream diary update. On Saturday morning I passed out for a few hours. The dream I had was incredible. It was like I was part of a celebration for terraforming Mars. I was leader of the cheering, massive team and we all started bungee jumping and swinging from banners in the massive Martian canyon, the Valles Marineris system, with 3 giant waterfalls. I swung down in the biggest bungee jump yet into the waterfall and up the other side as I awoke. Guess the future NASA missions to Mars has my attention.

   On Monday I had a long afternoon nap. In my dream I was a smoking shaman who developed a new ability to control energy signatures. I made a resonance that caused the auras of thousands in the tribe around me to fluoresce in a bright green glow outlined around their forms as I awoke.

   Around 12:30 midnight earlier I had a dream of being a gumshoe detective. It was my job to search out the alien spirits whom used to care for my client. My client was a special child with alien powers, a Nephilim girl.

Driving around in my investigations I finally made contact with some of the spirits. They reluctantly acceded to assuming their old roles as caretakers for the girl with her special needs. They floated around and materialized as jovial servants in a community ready to accept and love the girl-child once again. As the shadows assembled into a grand design I could feel my consciousness stirring. The thousands of spirit shadows swirled and reassembled back into my giant form as I opened my real eyes and awoke.