Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stomach Claw, sleepwalking, Ménage à trois dreams

   When I got up to shower early Monday morning I noticed I had some bad scratch marks on top of some old scars on my lower abdomen that I initially wrote off as a skin condition related to sleeping in my clothes too often. Today since the scratch marks healed somewhat I have found that they exactly fit the three fingers on my left hand. So I was really scratching at my belly during sleep in my dream confusion. This is one of the perils of infrequent somnambulism & having a weak neural block during REM. The only thing I remember about Sunday night's dreams is that they were confusing & unpleasant. That usually means I have a body image distortion in the dream that I dislike or that my mind failed to take control of the dream. I might have been seeing myself as weak or as a girl. Anyway further deduction yields nothing about dream details. Perhaps I was dreaming about the wrestling hold Stomach Claw? Anyway I had gone to bed Sunday night hoping that I would dream about more catgirls. That's a recurring dream I can handle better.

   This morning's dreams were nothing unusual just perverted. In the dream just before waking I remembered being shocked after a girl I met at a punk party proposed I join her and another fellow in a Ménage à trois right away. Coincidentally when I finally got up and flipped through the stations, I found Lifetime movie network was playing a similar scene from the film Heathers. The scene had a very unpleasant ending, since she had led both guys to their deaths. Made me glad I hadn't taken my dream date up on her offer.

   Since that actually happened to me on a blind date many years ago. I thought it barely deserved a mention in the dream diary. Its more a sign of how long its been since I've tried dating or even socializing at all with anybody. Its not always easy living as a hikikomori. Having sleep disturbances more often and a few antisocial dreams is a smaller price to pay than several of the alternatives. Beats working for the meat packing industry for example. Then my dreams would be filled with punching time clocks, rancid animal corpses, guilt, and male sweat.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Zombies, gothic lolitas, Novas, bony wheel of fortune, witches dreams

   Dream diary update. My dreams have been especially weird lately. However since death was such a recurring theme in them Tuesday I actually entered into a bit of an emotional funk and didn't feel like blogging about them at all. My dreams were filled with corpses, zombies, ghosts, and bones. Water also played a prominent role in last week's dreams and loss of control. I think I was more mentally depressed rather than goth though I seem to remember a gothic lolita or two torturing me. The road I'm on now doesn't appear to end well, but there's still lots of time to change.

   I almost made an entry yesterday morning but instead I allowed myself to become distracted by my tumblr and twitter blogs. My dreams yesterday were quite musical Saturday morning after watching late-night CAS Friday. The dream was a mixture of classical, swing, country, and pop music with a lot of accompanying starfields and planetary exploration scenes that I have seen lately animated on various PBS/Nova: Fabric of the Cosmos and NASA clips.
   Last night I invited my college nephew over to watch Svengoolie and Wolfman Mac's Chjiller Drive-In movies. I ended up passing out for 11 hours on the couch while the cats mostly kept him company. I woke up for an hour and a half during the films to work the remote for him. I think I may have had a cold. Sleeping it off is my normal physical reaction to colds, injuries, toxicosis, and exsanguination. I woke up at 8:30 pm CST long enough to comment on some of my dreams to nephew, but all I said was "really weird dreams" before passing out again. I seem to remember a divination wheel made of bones from last evening's dream.

    In this morning's dream before I woke up I was living with 2 wives who were both witches. To be sure waking up on the couch alone with cspanwj on was something of a disappointment (: