Friday, February 11, 2011

Complexity, library dream

Dream diary update. I fell asleep after 2305 listening to PBS on the couch upstairs again. Around 0420 I woke up after dreaming about going to dream University with Chinese again. Even though technically we were in graduate courses we spent most of our time alone in the library. I kept working on complexity analysis of advanced algorithms when I should have been moving on to computational molecular biology. Every so often I would have to go out and fight a life-or-death battle before coming back to the safe library. I was about to solve a noisome EECS problem in pattern recognition when I awoke. I noticed immediately that I remembered my rusty Russian again since all the dream conversations had.had a little.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Celestial rotation, Music of the Spheres dream

Dream diary update. Despite the cold weather I decided to listen to my dream last night. While I didn't go on walkabout or to a country motel, I did shower and walk a couple of miles downtown later. It was quite cold at 11 degrees with a steep wind chill and snowing. I felt much better from the exercise. I had an early sup with parents and passed out at 7:15 pm even before Dad usually does  About 11:30 pm I awoke with the arthritis in my ankle gone and Fluffy on top of me again. She's on top of me now. I think the physical contact has something to do with keeping both of us healthy. Anyway it took me 3 min of focused meditation to extract dream details this time so it was a deep sleep. The dream was about being part of a celestial rotation toy. I would rotate around and the celestial sphere would rotate with me in a kaleidoscope. When I looked up I could see the stars rotating around the axis. My arms could extend out into spinning ribbons that could ride the wind turbulence in compass cardinal directions. I consider this recurring dream theme to be a Music of the Spheres-type, even though there was no musical composition accompaniment and just a deep resonant rhythm this time.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Walkabout, indy horror films, Japanese baths dream

Dream diary update. I had a dream yesterday that was mostly just about being alone around an old house. A half hour ago I had another one. I dreamed that I kept walking up the interstate 30 miles to Wren Lake and wandering near the area around the college. In real life I used to walkabout that far and farther before Climate Change made the weather out there hell. Anyway in my dream there was nobody there so it was more like a spooky rest stop than a college. Reminded me of how I felt when I watched the Aussie indy mystery film Picnic at Hanging Rock.

I kept expecting some soul-sucking spirit to arrive like the villain in Bruce Campbell's funny B-horror movie Bubba Ho-Tep. I watched Bubba Ho-Tep again on Veoh last weekend so in my dream I knew that it was fresh in my mind. Instead all that arrived there was a Japanese businessman around dusk who wanted to use the public baths and saunas. After he unlocked the doors I followed him inside and walked all over the college until I ran into him again in a towel around the locker rooms. I told him I just wanted to use the showers and he seemed to accept that explanation so no there were dream-fights. When I undressed and turned on the water I looked into the shower head stream like the infamous opening shot in the shower scene from Alfred Hitchcock's horror film Psycho as I awoke. Fluffy cat was keeping warm on top of me again.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pyramids, Sears catalog, Wicker Man dreams

Dream diary update. Friday morning I awoke after another Ancient Egyptian dream. This one was more like spending a conventional day there than the others with pyramids, queens, artwork and scarabs.

Saturday morning after staying up most of the night and I dreamed about being 7 years old with mom again. Coincidentally mom had come home late and was alone upstairs that night. Most likely since I knew every non-cat sound upstairs was hers and not Dad's, I incorporated her into my dreams. In my dream I was reading Sears catalogs. When I was a kid they sent us several trees worth of slick paper catalogs that I often read, feeling that I owed that much to the trees. I never bought any of it but I learned you can't bury slick paper catalogs like a dead pet or a fallen tree. Anyway in my dream I was in a bazaar curios shop reading about model trains, Star Wars, and Millennium Falcon toys while mom chatted up the shopkeeper when I awoke.

This morning I just had one of my confrontational Wicker Man-type dreams. In my dream I was losing and fighting him to a fiery draw in different ditches I've crawled in before when I awoke.