Friday, January 28, 2011

Spirit quest, surreal NYC, cat's paws dream

Dream diary update. About an hour ago I had a deep spirit quest-style dream about trying to escort a 14-year-old girl through a surreal verion of NYC.

Rahm Emanuel was one of several teachers on our spirit quest who taught us how to swing around skyscrapers on cables. The winds frequently caused the landscapes to shift. At one point pink streamers and ribbons dropped down everywhere. Another point the sounds of crowds of children cheering rang out. I lost the girl and felt giant cats paws pulling me out through the sky when I awoke. (pic: Glowing Hydrogen lights up Cat's Paw Nebula)

Both cats were on top of me when I awoke on the couch. Fluffy was under my arm purring while Stinky licked my leg. They leaped up when I started to rouse and jumped off. Mom was reading in the recliner next to us. I felt disoriented because the dream landscape seemed more real than my surroundings.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Centipede spine, Holocaust train, ley lines dreams

Dream diary update. Tuesday night I dreamed about spiders. I like spiders since my sister kept tarantulas and I kept black widows when we were kids. Wednesday morning I awoke after having dreams about my spine. I dreamed a metal centipede crawled up my back and plugged in to function as an external spinal cord. Liquid metal legs formed and shot out to connect to the surroundings everywhere. My external connections told me things about the world that no one else knew. Every once in a while my giant centipede spine would shift around.

Last night I had a sort of nightmare related to this theme. Instead of giant centipedes or spiders, I dreamed about being on a long Holocaust train to Hell. The cars on the train wrapped around into a train maze, passing each other slowly but never stopping. I was there with thousands of others, most of whom were desperately planning on a takeover or some other plan to make the train stop long enough to jump. I didn't tell them that I had my own way out. Walking along the train talking to them was a bit like walking through a riot.with a touch of prison yard conversations. Fortunately this nightmare wasn't as cartoonish as my dreams Tuesday.

Two hours ago I had a dream about plugging into the ley lines over the pond out back to gain energy with which to improve my health. This is a recurring dream, even though to my knowledge there are no ley lines around here. The important thing is that I awake from this dream feeling refreshed. Both cats were there in the dream and on the couch next to me when I awoke. Fluffy started purring immediately so I rocked her. I felt worried about Stinky since I felt she was in poorer health. It turns out she'd been making a mess in the kitchen again eating bread. Tuesday night she did the same thing with brownies.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bogie & Bacall, barmaid, dvj bazuka dreams

Dream diary update. My sleep lately has been good. Fluffy cat stood up on 2 legs touched my face and kissed me Sunday. Since then I've been dreaming about kissing a real woman even though I gave up that stuff when I gave up on the world 2 1/2 years ago. Sunday night I had banal dreams about being friends with Bogie and Bacall again.

Just now I dreamed about hitching up with a Carbondale barmaid after hours. We were going to a party together to meet friends, but we went back to the bar when our radar detectors and the sirens indicated cops party busting nearby. Carbondale is small enough that they usually manage to bust them all before 2 am.

I embraced her from behind next to the bar and we were about to seal the deal when I awoke tumescent again like yesterday. I know its tame stuff but I mostly just dream about the foreplay unless I've watched some dvj bazuka recently