Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ash, Yew crown, Harvest King, and angel's wings dreams

   Dream diary update. Its been at least 6 weeks since my last entry. That is the desired interval, so that the blogging doesn't interfere with my sleep or rhythms. I just want to use it as sort of an imagination diary, to keep track of new ideas that occur to me in my dreams. It also helps me to focus on my prognostications (my tumblr news analysis blog.) I frequently wake up seemingly knowing things that I probably have no right or reason to know.
   Lately my sleep has been disturbed at night, so I nap at midday. It became more disturbed Monday after 2 of the tomcats didn't come home. Dad assures me that they took up w/ a female cat in heat at the Mexicans' place next door. They stayed away during a cold snap, but they must be getting fed there.
   Today I dropped off twice at midday. First time I woke up and immediately changed the tv to watch Illinois Lawmakers/WSIU interview IL Rep Mike Madigan on environmental concerns he has about the new fracking bill. Then I ate lunch and dropped off again.
   I slept the second time with Swirly kitten while sitting up on the couch. I dreamed that I was in a fiery pit at Mount Pinatubo.

I rose up into the clouds with the ash. While soaring above the clouds, an angel flew up from behind and embraced me. I became aware of her first by seeing her wings enfold me. She drew my neck back with her delicate fingers until I saw her eyes and kissed her. I became aware that others around us were singing "Rise" by Oriya from the anime OP for "Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd Gig."

   I realized that there were more white wings around us. She gestured down and I witnessed the mountain forests growing and unfolding in natural majesty. Gold and Silver oak leaves and red maple flew together on the wind while colorful rainbows cut through the mountain clouds. I became aware of a yew crown atop my head. I realized I was to be the Harvest King this year. Finally I awoke to the sounds of Oriya sighing and the smells of birch or wintergreen. I thought I could still feel angel wings stroking my face, but as my eyes focused I could see that I was just waking in our drab living room..I immediately changed the tv to watch cspan 2 and Senator Rand Paul's filibuster of John Brennan/CIA over the drone memos.
   Interpretation: I have no idea why I was wearing a fairy crown and not a crown of iron or thorns like I usually do. The only reason why I might've dreamed about a good harvest is that the CME group/Bloomberg business report on @WGNnews today at noon announced that the eastern US is free of drought and now expected to have a bumper crop of corn in 2013. I was nodding off/hypnotized when I heard it. The natural setting reminded me of fractal landscapes. It was much more vivid and colorful a palette than reality.