Friday, December 24, 2010

Titan AE, Wake Angels, aerial ballet, Nutcracker dream

Dream diary update. I just had a fantastic version of a recurring dream about the animated film Titan AE. I've been having dreams about Titan AE since its 2000 release. Now that was a great year. Anyway in my dream the Earth had managed to beat all of the Drej except for the small flying drones. The Wake Angels from the movie are small fighter drones in my dream. They follow and attempt to destroy anything that attempts to fly above the Earth. In my dream I am an experienced fighter pilot and flight instructor. I instruct the new kids on how to out-fly the Wake Angels and clear shipping lanes to the moon.

I have to keep demonstrating how to out-maneuver the Drej Angels in my wake for some of the students and it makes for some pretty fun aerial stunts. As I executed some amazing aerial ballets to destroy them I awoke. KETC/PBS was just opening Great Performances on TV with the 2007 recording of the San Francisco ballet doing the Nutcracker.  Kristi Yamaguchi did her infamous intro talking about ice skating and dance and how much the two are related a year before her 2008 DWTS debut. I found it a queer sort of symmetry with my dream theme since my dream was about how much being a fighter pilot for Earth and aerial dance are related.

I was also extremely pleased by her TV appearance nascent to my epic dream since Yamaguchi always gives me rock hard wet dreams when she is in them. I know it sounds creepy but there it is. I have to be sentimental since I still remember her epic 1991-92 Olympic figure skating run. I had just moved back in with the parents to go back to school after being a footloose homeless traveler for 5 years. That was before I had been successfully taught at college to keep to my SEC class. Lady Di used to do the same thing for me. XD

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wonkavator, Escalator schools, graduate jobs

Dream diary update. I awoke early this morning I awoke at 3 am after several recurring dreams that I unhappily associate with my lifetime failures to find work placement after graduations. Basically graduation is just as depressing as dropping out for me, and I did both for 34 years from abortive preschools to extended graduate and professional studies. IMAO postgraduate community college was like High School with a strong dose of corporate nepotism thrown in. Nevertheless I am thankfully not currently in any "escalator schools" for middle-aged has-beens like myself and teenaged sex-bunnies. Nevertheless my pointlessly extended school experience still gives me existential nightmares. I dream that I am on a Wonkavator with buttons that point to diplomas. Too bad it doesn't lead to breaking any glass ceilings for me or I might get some help doing it.

I also had a dream about being an old man in an open escalator school for 15-22 year olds. In that dream my movement ends up slowing to a crawl while the teen voices around me go up to chipmunk scales and frequencies.

Finally in my dreams I ended up back in my School of Hard Knocks dream college like the nights before. The subjects covered included synthetic gasoline and Road Warrior fighting techniques over gas, women, and water in the Rust Belt of the future after Climate Change and corporate environmental degradation gets through with us. Despite this dream I still intend to stay in my godforsaken Rust Belt home town basement apartment with no jobs for freaks like me.

Goth fights, clones, no chick mercy, laughter

Dream diary update. Wednesday afternoon I had this wild dream about street fighting with a gang in Goth makeup. When the dream ended I had split into 8 clones and was defeating all the Goth fighters simultaneously. Even the female Goth I rolled from a moving car, despite my prohibition against hitting female fighters. As the grinning Goths all fell I could hear all my clones laughing maniacally. Their laughter swirled and spiraled up to become the booming laughter of my dream universe creator (myself) as I awoke.

Monday, December 20, 2010

anthropomorphic, sniper, Tron, weather wizard, Nutcracker, penitent priest dreams

Dream diary entry. Well my dreams of late have been either violent, unpleasant, or forgettable. So I neglected making individual diary entries for them. Last Thursday and Friday I had violent anthropomorphic dreams about children and talking animals and a diabolic giant turtle that wanted me to be a trained sniper. Saturday I dreamed about the new Tron movie and VR, because I wanted to see the 3D movie kind of badly. Sunday's dreams were of being a weather wizard again, probably from listening to transnational news reports about the rampant rains and snows. Monday I dreamed about the Nutcracker Arabian Dance music again like last year

Just now I had a dream about being a penitent priest, probably because I sensed my affectionate cat and Independent Lens: The Calling playing on my TV.