Sunday, November 4, 2012

Elly Stone, French alleys, cathedral, demons, Feynman diagrams dreams

   Dream diary update. I didnt intend on making a blog entry so soon on the tails of my last entry 1 week ago. The dream I woke up w/ this morning was odd enough that I felt it required at least some remarks, though reluctantly. Instead of leaping to my diary immediately I postponed writing about it a few hours. So I won't be bothered remembering any deep details or grand thematic transformations that I know were there, since they are in almost all of my dreamsleep. I can mostly just recall the moments leading up to my awakening.
   My dream was filled with sounds, colors, and music. Intermittently throughout played the entire music soundtrack from the film "Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris"(1975), by Elly Stone.

A warbling Ms Stone in a low cut red evening gown was one of my major love interests for the dream. I can distinctly recall making love to her while she stood facing me singing to the back alleys of Paris.
   Much of the last part of the dream occurred in a giant cathedral space. Demons sought to distract and assault me, but they became repeatedly confused by my successful efforts at materializing multidimensional Feynman quantum diagrams before us. I was working on a key for establishing a string theorem of multiverse. I won at my efforts before they could assault me. So the demons regrouped outside the warping space I was in, shrugged, and left. Then my moving Feynman diagrams expanded between my fingertips and exploded. There was a white light all around me and I could feel the solar winds against my face once again as I awoke. It was around 5:15 AM CDT. The cats were resting on top of me and got up to be let out.
   For dream elements the French music & caterwauling lover are easily explained: I like French girls. I'm 25% French so I find I have better luck w/ dating some of them. The Stone movie is not one of my favorites, but it reminds me of fucking those punk French girls. The demons are somewhat harder to explain. Before bedtime I watched Svengoolie on MeTV w/ my visiting nephew. The flick last night was Hammer horror classic "Curse of the Werewolf" starring Oliver Reed. Reed also had had starring roles in the rock musical "Tommy" & as the adulterous priest in Ken Russel's "The Devils."

Coincidentally, my nephews is also named Tommy thanks to that movie. So I figure that watching that Oliver Reed/Hammer horror movie w/ my nephew combined w/ watching amusing Halloween demon porn clips after he left brought "The Devils" & sexy Yvonne Romain to my dream.

   The complex Feynman diagram spatial transformations are the most difficult dream elements to explain. I guess its safest just to say that I used to study that, in French, and parts of my dream were spoken entirely in French and Latin.