Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Bletchley Circle, PBS, Jason Vorhees, killer cops, eugenics, harem, The Devil, forest gods, transmogrification of the soul dreams

   I just had an odd dream about a program playing on my TV. I had left it running on PBS when I passed out after 10:30 pm. The program was a rerun of "The Bletchley Circle." Somehow the program elements had become incorporated in my dream. Perhaps I remembered the program from another night such as Sunday night, when I left it on PBS all evening while I concentrated on my web browsing?
   Anyway, I am depressed enough about most of my animals disappearing last week that I had a dream about a horror subject. Lately I have been thinking that they were taken by coyotes/dogs, probably to appease the forest god who loves white offerings. I woke up in time to watch most of the TV program. Here is my dream described via chat log:
awakr again
I just had a dream that was like the very devil
I was Jason Vorhees with a harem practicing eugenics
I had somehow gotten all these women picked out to carry my children and ensnared them in my devilish plot to conceive
They all met with me and we entered an underground maze together
I was wearing a police/SS Nazi uniform
we all got lost in the maze even though we tried severasl things to not lose one another
I wouldnt hurt the women only because they were to become mothers to one of my ch0ildren
finally my plot was underway and the women were talking about how each of them met me
one of the women had met me while I was in prison
it was her job to move me around and she had made a mistake and temporarily put me in the italian arts library instead of the german one
[03:25:07]     [Dirk Diddly] is offline
after one week she moved me to where she had intended at the prison german library
italian is the language of passion so she knew that it would have inflamed me and it did
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another 'wife' had a plan to have a child during the war but she couldnt conceive
she knew from praying that she could conceive with only me
the women shared their stories with one another of how I had ensnared them in my devilish eugenics plot while I was lost in the maze
I finally stumbled across  a room with the 2 oldest women
they spoke with me about materialism and spiritual values while I conceded to them that I might have a soul and that there is probably life after death
and then we all woke up
it was the harshest dream ive had for a week
Im watching pbs
They have a WWII detective story on with spooky music
The Bletchley Circle

   So basically I had a dream about being an amorous Jason Vorhees and also a killer cop wearing a Nazi cop uniform. I started by trying to convince young women to conceive my children and ended up by arguing with the two oldest ones about whether the Devil has a soul or not. It turned out that he does. Somehow my soul had ended up by transmogrifying into an intangible devil himself. I was arguing with two wise old female ghosts about the nature of things before I took them to Hell. Then I woke up.
   It turned out that the women I was dreaming about were supposed to be characters from "The Bletchley Circle." Both of my remaining 2 cats were gone, although the girl cat Swirly came to knock on my outside door by my bed when she noticed I was awake.Sticky cat is still AWOL, although I am hopeful the coyotes or wolves did not get him. Probably my cats being away from the bed and not watching me made me feel lonely in my sleep. The forest gods taking my animals had me dreaming about murderers. That accounts for most of the dream elements. The only unexplained ones were about The Devil having a soul. Perhaps this part was an philosophical argument I was having with myself? It reminds me of dreams I used to have while sleeping in libraries. Back then I used to always dream there being a Ghost in the Machine. The dream had elements from both "The Golem" and "Faust" Typical library dreams for me.

The Nazi eugenics part of the dream no doubt has something to do with what I suspect that Monsanto and the US government are up to together. They want to genetically engineer US children so that they can survive the coming Millennium.