Monday, December 10, 2012

Existentialist Hell, International Space Station, Mayan Doomsday, Climate Congress dreams

“That's what hell must be like, small chat to the babbling of Lethe about the
good old days when we wished we were dead.”
-Samuel Beckett

Most of my memorable dreams in Dec have been about arguing with 2 other people in dark enclosed spaces about oblivion, the multiverse, and the end of the world. Obviously these dreams are inspired by the play "No Exit" by Jean-Paul Sartre. Since my typical bimonthly or weekly dreams about hell usually involves feeling enormous battle fatigue and streetfighting demons, I consider Existentialist Hell to be an marked improvement. The mute third presence is usually a pretty girl. A lot of guys in my position might even consider them dreams about Paradise. Locked in a room with a beautiful girl who almost never talks back, and just one asshole I need to clobber in order to bang her for all eternity.

   An exception to this dream sequence occurred late last Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning. I had been thinking a lot about the composite light photographs from the ISS dark field observatory, the #Cop18 #Doha summit on Climate Change, Nuclear Proliferation, & other 21st century bogies such as the Mayan calendar panic. Since I passed out looking at the Light photos again I ended up dreaming about watching the end of the World from the ISS. Unlike Douglas Adams' charming "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", all I could see and hear from the ISS was all the slaughter and destruction taking place on what had once been a bright blue ball. I watched the planet tremble and burn. The people turned to constant war and cannibalism. The seas rose up as the skies became black with smoke and tempests. I felt a wrenching and a tearing as I became trapped in a manifold of the multiverse, forever trapped in a singularity as I awoke.

Special guest post: Danny Elfman, Disability Treaty, tax havens, revolving door Congress, hot tub flush dreams

Well I have been keeping to my intended 1 post per month on the Dream Diary blog. That's because forcing myself awake to write entry details while they were fresh was causing a radical sleep deficit of 3-6 hours per night in October. Anyway I was going to write an entry this morning when my nephew beat me to it, and easily too. This is his (Dirk Diddly's) dream.
Special guest post: my Naturalist nephew, who also happens to be disabled, via chat log

[11:23:00]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I dreamed that I had found the secret tax-free party island of corrupt U.S. politicians
[11:23:24]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and their guards took me to a pool with Danny Elfman as lifeguard I guess
[11:23:51]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
he asked me a series of questions regarding what I thought of America and if I knew their secrets
[11:25:33]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
apparently dissatisfied with my responses they threw me into the pool and pressed a button that caused a large hole to open in the side of the pool, where I was sucked in headfirst and I believe killed somehow, tho the dream ended then so I don't really know
[11:25:47]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
kind of an unpleasant dream
[11:27:04]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
It's cuz I was listening to oingo boingo when you sent me those links about the teapublicans killing the disability rights treaty
[11:27:17]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
my brain fused it somehow
[11:27:21]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
coo dream
[12:44:15]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
y and they were all men, it was their secret tax-free gay island paradise that us common folk aren't supposed to know about
[12:44:37]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
Must be where congress spends all its time instead of actually doing something