Monday, April 25, 2011

Skin-flaying, poisons, Ancient Egptian Slip 'N Slide, Pink Cadillac, nosebleed,Doctor failing upward dreams

Dream diary update. I've neglected the diary for over a week now. Part of it was access problems. Storms and a back sprain kept me away from the computer. Another part was sleep problems and unpleasant dreams. Most of my dreams for the last week have had everyone's skin flayed off like a model for Grey's Anatomy and had lots of poisons.
Anyway I just had a more "normal" dream that I can recall details for.  I was on this vast ancient Egyptian Slip 'N Slide that criss-crossed an old island chain like the Galapagos. I had different girlfriends throughout this dream so near the end I was swimming at the end of the Slip 'N Slide with an English girl. My black girlfriend followed me there as part of a Great Race and drove her pink Cadillac off the end.

We all were swimming together briefly after she dunked the Cadillac underwater until I had a nosebleed that wouldn't stop. My English girlfriend took me to an ER with sliding doors in Carbondale, IL. There they talked me into being a doctor for a Boy's Club of America. I sheepishly considered this vocation change "failing upwards" as I awoke.