Saturday, July 20, 2013

Leap Day William, Nelson Mandela, American oil & gas extractivism, heat wave, Tina Fey, sexy Tango dream

Dream Diary Update. I went to sleep with the door next to my bed open and tv on ABC. I set the fan in the doorway and my leg on top of the fan because I find that it discourages the coons from coming in past me to get the cat food. I doubt I need to elaborate why I have to keep my door ajar with a fan since there is a massive heat wave raging on multiple continents right now. To paraphrase the @nbcnightlynews meteorologist roaming outside in NYC Central Park West, "A lot of Americans I spoke with in the beginning didn't know what a Heat Dome was. Well, They all know it now!" When I woke up I could hear the coon snuffling & grunting around my door near my feet so I closed it.
    I seem to remember waking up once or twice after listening to Jimmy Kimmel's monologue to watch snippets of 30 Rock reruns that ABC puts on late at night. Specifically I watched parts of an episode about Leap Day.  Jim Carrey played a character called Leap Day William.

Right now they have on Classic Arts Showcase (CAS). This German symphony was playing the Tango.

   That background explains some of my dream elements. See, I just dreamed that Nelson Mandela came out of South Africa to hide a scandal for his country, that he secretly longed for revenge against the American Oil & Gas Industry. One of Mandela's more radical followers had hatched a scheme that Tina Fey's character from 30 Rock had foiled & they sent Mandela personally to do some diplomatic damage control.
After Mandela came out and leered at us while spinning yarns to the black tie party, I tangoed with Tina Fey down the street all the way up to my nephews' apartment. Then I woke up listening to Tango music and snuffling coons at my feet. That might explain some of the more surreal elements of my dream, as well as the sexy office Tango bonus I received at the end there.