Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mount Etna, Pacific fissure, cats, Hell, Bauerschwein, Château dreams

   Dream diary update. My dreams lately have been unimportant to me. Nevertheless they have been typically odd, with lots of horror and violence. Last weekend I had several dreams about living in a post-apocalypse world and in Hell. This is my normal dream pattern unfortunately. So it doesn't bother me a bit unless I am depressed. Therefore I chose not to blog or dwell too much on them. Not even when I had repeats of my prescient dreams from Dec about being immolated by an exploding volcano (Mt Etna), or about being swallowed by an underwater fissure together with 3 of them (plate tectonics).

   I've been having a lot of dreams about cats. This is not surprising since our backyard jungle is like a visitor's center for them. I keep our three cats deliriously happy and joyful. The small bowl of food I put at the back door for daytime visitors is usually gobbled away by noon. They like to run and frolic through the yard and trees with our cats.

   2 weeks ago I had repeated dreams about a post-apocalypse or about Hell. Unfortunately this is fairly typical for my dreams whenever I get a little anxious. More disturbing is that my command role has often become demon lord or barbarian. I am usually not casting myself in the helpless victim's role, even when I am losing a fight. Many of my dreams about Hell lately are about being a lost child wandering a dusty, buried cityscape. The Demons usually look wary and stay away from me since I delight in torturing and cannibalizing them. Safe to say I was an unruly child, both in my dreams and in real life. In the devastated dreamscape I usually pick through the bones for scraps and play with broken toys. Thursday night after watching the Grimm episode "The Three Bad Wolves" I dreamed my child self ate a half-dead Bauerschwein cop I stumbled across in the wasteland. Curiously the grave dust and ash on him looked a lot like the coating from his mud bath.
Last night the Hell dream changed. For one thing my dream Hell became the South of France. I dreamed I was operating on myself. I had become concerned that my legs were becoming saggy bags of fatty liquid. This dream symbol is no doubt incorporating my waking dissatisfaction with my nephews discontinuing our daily walks together. They had good reason since the youngest one's wheelchair broke. Still it pissed me off. This time in my dream operation I totally peeled back my flesh until there was only a cluster of cells and organ tissue left. Then I stitched myself back together again completely with the help of 2 French medical assistants. When I finished I began walking through a perilous trail in the French Alps. I finally reached the Château around dusk. The old villagers were becoming demons so they were wary I would eat them. One old woman took me under her wing and showed me how to fish for scraps to eat around the drains. When the last rays of the sun set in my dream world I awoke. Curiously, the first rays of dawn light was in the windows. My dream world dusk had become dawn.