Friday, January 7, 2011

Giant cat, surreal, Anna Netrebko, Donizetti dream

I just had a dream an hour and a half ago that was pretty strange. It was surreal with my cat as a giant, green Nature, odd cars, beautiful rays of sunlight, and perfect bubbles.

Great Performances/PBS was playing so loudly on my TV that I almost woke up several times and the music got incorporated into the surreal dream environment. This week they have Donizetti's Don Pasquale starring sexy pop-opera diva Anna Netrebko 

Near the end of my dream she was blasting away with her Don Pasquale climax while I was was struggling to escape from sleep by pulling it away like strands of grass and spikes of glass.Finally I pulled free with Netrebko finishing and my giant cat looking on quietly as I awoke.

Timecop, Dark Knight dream

Thursday morning, Jan 6, I had a dream that was very like the movie "Timecop" in plot. I view this as stemming from watching Twitter a huge amount over the last week. Blogger Matt Yglesias likes that movie so much he watched it again for recreation New Years Eve and tweeted about how perfect it is again. I of course despise most cop movies though I can enjoy them because I like action and I love sci-fi. Timecop is just so-so for me and definitely not my favorite Van Damme since the action idea is a cop who murders when he can't get a conviction is the alpha-male sexual hero. Even Dirty Harry didn't do that. My dream was more like "Time Assassin" since both men were trained assassins instead of cops and my "good" character had one of those giant capes like batman has in Dark Knight comics

Waking up from this dream was a dramatic transformation again. This time it was involving colliding and falling through different time sequences as through thin membranes until I looked up and saw the way out from endless time travel and death. I leaped upwards and out as I awoke.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fairies, boxes, dropping bananas, Navy women, Muammar al-Gaddafi, Lady Gaga, Foreigner dreams

Dream diary update. I really didn't want to continue my dreams blog. For some reason writing about my dreams felt wrong somehow. Most of the ones I've remembered took details from my daily thoughts and spun a yarn anyway so there was nothing else to study. Anyway last Thursday, Dec 30 before the MidwestI had a clusterfuck of winter tornadoes on New Year's Eve, I had dreams of green Nature and fairies. This was only days after another winter storm rushed up the East coast to kill 3 reportedly. There were other unreported East Coast deaths later from not digging out for hospital care. New Year's Day after staying up I had unmemorable dreams about manipulating cubes and boxes to construct things. I also dreamed later that morning about dropping things like moon pies and bananas for the New Year countdown. No doubt I just wanted to eat them but we didn't have any fruit. Sunday, Jan 2 I had sex dreams about horny female sailors and dumb officers after watching the college humor Captain Owen Honors Navy training video on Medialite Saturday night. Monday, Jan 3 I dreamed about my family in a sitcom with Muammar al-Gaddafi in military uniform. That dream was unusual enough to be premonitory but the only news about him this week is that Wikileaks cablegate has forced them to replace the US ambassador for some offensive remarks. Since my dream was really about my family I saw no immediate connection. Tuesday I had a dream about Lady Gaga music. No surprises what I was thinking about there even though it was mostly music, disco dancing, and partying that I missed and not really sex.


Just now I had a dream about Foreigner music, Cold As Ice, after spending the day Wednesday trolling Twitter for news updates on Climate Change, Flockalypse, and the 112th Teabagger Congress. I can only guess about which one of those 3 inspired that dream.