Friday, January 14, 2011

Shaolin kung fu, secret scrolls, ultimate technique, demon dream

Dream diary update. An hour ago I had a dream that was like a martial arts movie. In the dream I was one of the Shaolin monks in a monastery that had become possessed by an ancient demon from the caves beneath. The demon had murdered the master and turned the library into his lair. My brothers and I had to go into the library and retrieve the secret scrolls/talismans that would unlock our ultimate powers. Surprisingly when we retrieved them at great cost, the powers were all the colors including black. The colors powers were shared between me and different sets of brother monks. I was the keystone to unlock all the powers. Even with all the scrolls we were unable to defeat the demon who had followed us to infest the surface. Finally I unlocked the ultimate secret that combining all the scrolls together could unlock an ultimate bright, white power. The white power required all 12 of my remaining brothers and I. All of the powers combined in us wiped out the demon and restored the sanctum as I awoke.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Base jump dream

Dream diary update. I slept late this morning and woke up after 0935 feeling good. I had a flying dream that was 2 parts Matrix, one part Harry Potter, and one part Stravinsky's Firebird Suite. Thoroughly satisfying. I vaguely remember arguing with some sprites or brownies before taking off. I flew like a wingsuit base jumper past billowing forests, around skyscrapers and cruise ships, and out to sea before I awoke.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

RV, McMansion, Running Man, Fortuna's Wheel dreams

I had one memorable dream Tuesday morning at 0630, one Tuesday morning at 0830, and one just now at 0100 Wednesday morning. The first was about driving a luxury RV around that was bigger on the inside than out, sort of like a pocket dimension.

I attributed that dream to thinking about future trends for Baby Boomers just before bed. Many of them prefer to sell everything and drive around in RVs until close to the end.

The second dream I had just before watching the Gulf Oil Commission read its report on live cspan. I found the report so interesting that I forgot most of the details of that dream. It was about representing the world as a sort of cat's cradle McMansion where people are always killing each other to be respawned back at their starting points.

Just now my dream was about the Wheel of Fate only it was a Wheel of Death. It was sort of like the dystopian story behind the movie Running Man where cons were forced to kill each other for TV in the future.

In my dream we would go into a compound and everyone would kill each other while they are reincarnated outside. I was a champion but near the end I ended up letting 2 pretty girls kill me because the whole thing bored me. I never was a big fan of karmic destiny. My favorite book, A Confederacy of Dunces, the main character Ignatius J. Reilly is continually referring to "Fortuna's Wheel." He regards it broadly as his enemy and in some ways so do I.