Saturday, October 27, 2012

Return to dream diary blog, Differences in Liberal & Conservative brains

   Well, I almost abandoned this blog this time. There are several reasons why. The main one is that I felt that dwelling too much on my dreams would drive me mad. A recent dream study shows that political Liberals tend to have much more vivid dreams & troubled sleep than political Conservatives do. Well I am about as Liberal as they come. In addition my brain may be more susceptible to bizarre dreams in other ways. I also felt that it was a good time to leave off the dream diary and focus more on my political blogging and other online studies.  One of the reasons I stayed in school for so many years (26 for college) is that concentrating & focusing regularly on my studies helps distract me from these internal disturbances.
    I am extremely Liberal w/ an IQ measured  in the 170-195 range, a creative IQ est in the 180s, and w/ an open and natural values system from my tolerant familial & social environment. I figured that anything that stimulates my pronounced Liberalism is bound to make me feel about as enlightened as Gandhi and theoretically as creative as Picasso. Alternatively, obsessing over the latest dream diary post at night after an internal freak show every 2 hours was making my sleep interruptions worse. I'd end up passing out at odd times and unable to plan tasks. I even lost track of one of my beloved cats, who was taken from here while I was in one such fainting state on the early morning of Oct 4. In the following post I'll go into some of the disturbing dream images I've been trying very hard to forget. I'll also go into more details on the subject of my missing cat.
    Other studies show that Liberal brains become more compassionate & open w/ political activity, while Conservatives tend to further close their minds w/ the same social activity. I understand that "open" and "closed" are relative terms, but that's just paraphrasing the way it was newscast to me. So for me switching blogs seemed like a win-win. My unpleasant disequilibrium in the dream diary would become remote in my thoughts and my daily focus instead on my twitter and tumblr blogs would make me more compassionate and creative. Here's enumeration lists on the relative behavioral differences and neuroanatomy of Liberal and Conservative brains. Coincidentally, political research shows that gullible voters tend to trust numbered lists implicitly, so politicians will frequently argue points in 3's when seeking to lull their minds to acceptance.