Sunday, October 6, 2013

Climate Change, apocalypse, refugees, ghost hunt, dermatome, demon hunter, cat squirrel, family values dream

   Dream Diary update. I skipped last month's entry. I had almost decided to abandon this blog. Not only did I not want to remember my dreams but I almost gave up on my prognostications on tumblr. I just had another doozy tho, so I am writing about it here.
   Basically in this dream I was part of a group of young refugees sort of as their sempai. We were living in a community together in another post-apocalyptic society. I think perhaps the global ocean had raised 20 ft and climate change desertification with toxic chemical waste added had reached 76% of the land surface. Africa and the Amazon rain forests was obliterated. We took refuge in a lot of urban jungles. Shopping malls were turned into communal living spaces.
   My job in society wasn't merely as mentor to new refugees. I was as a sort of ghost-killer. I took the dermatome and other instruments that our mentors gave me and I sliced any ghost that I found among the refugees to ribbons, until either they gave up or else their demon brains exploded. It was a grisly job and I had to keep it secret from our social orders.

   Anyway what happened was I got very tired of a slasher horror show happening every time they told me to sneak away at night to battle monsters. I found a ghost among this group of young folks I was transporting. It was a young tall black fellow with almost no hair on his head. I got him to play games with us on the train. He seemed like a nice fellow at first. I asked my spectral superiors if I could just let this one go but they refused. The demon seemed to recognize that I was going to take him down. He created a barrier so that the others could not see us fighting on the train. I beat him and almost had his brain slashed open with my ghostly dermatome when I awoke.
   In real life the cats had brought a squirrel in to my room to eat it. Sticky cat hid given up on his anorexia from yesterday and was happily munching on a leg.  I didn't want to interrupt him, but I don't like them to make big messes in our room. So I picked up the dead squirrel and I set him on the back porch with Sticky cat and a bowl of water. Swirly cat soon followed her brother outside. I think she was the one who had brought the squirrel in to feed her hungry brother cat. nom nom nom