Wednesday, December 15, 2010

School, bicycling, animals, dumpster diving, telekinesis

Dream diary update. Just now (Wednesday morning) at 0330 I had yet another school dream that was mostly disconnected with lots of bicycling, abandoned pets, and dumpster diving for clothes. I had the ability to make people blow up which I had to resist using in order to go to my college class. Even though I had blown up most of the instructors by the end of my dream, I gave it one last go. I was idling around in my underwear and the female instructor kept trying to move me around so the female students wouldn't be offended. I got tired of this too so I blew her up as I awoke.

Driving, coastal town, wooden trestle, eagle man

Dream diary update. Tuesday I was sick with a cold so I ended up sleeping half the day away. From 1000 to 1200 I had a dream about driving cars and being lost. I kept ending up on a vertical spiral exit ramp that was built as a wooden trestle like an old roller coaster. The towering thing would descend for miles to a nice little coastal town that I hated visiting. Near the end of the dream I confronted a man who had built it presumably. He was half-man and half-eagle. He glared balefully at me as I awoke.

Twin Warriors, elf girl dream

Dream diary update. I've had a cold lately and Fluffy the cat has been merciless about tackling me when I wake up and not getting off. So its been difficult to keep up with the entries and I'm 3 behind now. Tuesday morning at 0430 I had a dream about being part of a pair of twin warriors. The dream had lots of Japanese overtones. My mystical brother and I had different fighting skills. Mine were H2H, arrows & thrown darts, and ninja arts. His were edged weapons, cavalry riding, and the way of the samurai. We were drawn to attack one another but I had overcome the spiritual malaise through training. My brother was being consumed by the madness. I had a flame-haired elf girl as a girlfriend. During a quest I had saved the village where her father was elder. Near the end of the dream it became more violent as they are wont to do. My brother was unable to resist the need to attack me. He grabbed me by the neck for an embrace but instead held me at length while he used his right hand to destroy his collection of mystical edged weapons in his armory. I let him do it, knowing that he could never beat me without them as I awoke.

Monday, December 13, 2010

new molecules, synthetic lifeforms, Large Hadron Collider

Dream diary update. Tonight around 1230 I had a dream that was like a beautiful symphony. I dreamed that we used the Large Hadron Collider to synthesize the particles of creation. The particles were magnified and represented dimensionally until they were projected holographically in the lab to appear as big as monoliths. I stayed late in the lab and skipped dinner with the wife (I don't have one) to observe the particles organizing into the molecules of Life. As the sun set in the East I could see new life begin to emerge from them as I awoke. Later I had another dream of particles the size of beach balls. We played volleyball with them on the beach even though their Navier-Stokes coefficients kept them moving constantly. When I awoke at 0350 the Mormon Tabernacle Choir were singing Christmas carols on WSIU/PBS and the cats were watching me.