Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lost cat, dream girl, video game snark dreams

   Dream diary update. My dreaming has been extremely fitful lately. I have to wake up too often since I am training for a new job working graveyard shift. I mostly have these short lucid dreams, since my waking world imperatives usually force me to rouse myself quickly. Dreaming either off or on-the-job is not a priority.
   Nevertheless I do occasionally reach deep sleep long enough to do REM and dreams. So I will adopt a different method of reporting them here. My family chat log. Here are excerpts from last night. FYI I am still dreaming about the lost cat. I love the little guy. My naturalist nephew 'Tom' is a night owl and another big cat lover so he responded. Sorry about the typos but they are supposed to be common in dreams, No? ;)

I just dreamed about Sticky cat
poor  Sticky we love you
[04:01:06]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19bc:3859]
We do : (
i fetched Luke back inside'
going to look for OZa
got hi.m
[04:27:17]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19bc:3859]
he was already in
now Swirly wants out but I said not right now baby
I need to calm down I guess
y i need more sleep
[04:41:45]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19bc:3859]
Get some rest and try not to worry man
[04:41:59]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19bc:3859]
Although you might actually be right in keeping lil Swirly inside
[04:42:10]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19bc:3859]
She's not as outdoorsy as the boys anyway I don't think
I woke up when gma called me
I was telling gma how sad and worried I am about Sticky and Swirly heard and jumped up on me until I calmed down
shes a good girl
I let Oza and Swirly out
they wanted to watch the sun rise while they hunt
Swirly is a little wild child
Swirly popped the door to come back in
she leaped right on top of me lol
she is a wild child
[07:31:41]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19bc:3859]
lol she is
Oza just came back in
Its funny cuz I woke up from a dream to do it
I guess that is lucid dreaming
A dream character who I was on a video game tournament team with told me how bad I am at video games
I laughed and said that I prefer to have low scores because when my vg scores go up it stops being fun and my mood gets really bad
then I woke up
Oza was scratching the door
I almost forgot to mention it but the librarian said a tree fell on a cat during the polar vortex
she said it was really sad
it wasnt Sticky but it makes you think
I remember a lot of branches falling over the past year
I still think he is with a nice lady getting a bowl of warm milk right now
[08:12:38]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19bc:3859]
: ( poor baby
[08:12:40]     [Tom - / 2620:9b::19bc:3859]

{chat postscript: I also dreamed about a nonexistent girl. She isn't mentioned in the chat. My dream girl is BBB = blonde, buxom, and beautiful (also dressed in blue). She was also part of the video game team and she heard the young guy snark me but she still gave me a warm smile as I walked past her embarrassedly on my way to the "Wake Up Chamber"}