Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mad scientist, mystical technology, cat boy, death angel, send in the clowns dreams

   Dream diary update. Perhaps its the wild weather lately? I've been having lots of unusual dreams & interrupted sleeping. Part of it is that one or both of the cats usually accompanies while asleep me in bed or in the living room.
   Friday morning I had a dream about mastering a fiendish technology that could summon mystical power. I wasn't the only one who possessed the tech. It had become quite common in society but I took it to the next level. Many agents were out to get my prized lab experiment setup. After fighting for hours I fooled them by leaving it outside my apartment building hallway sort of hidden out in the open in a communal rooftop garden. I finally reached it after being tortured inside my apartment. I had managed to surprise my torturers, killing them all. I activated my garden lab equipment as the soldiers came running from the stairway. The outside became filled with darkness & thunder as my instrument circuits warmed a green glow. I was getting ready to annihilate them as I awoke.
   Saturday morning I fell asleep with Swirly cat. I dreamed silly dreams about having cat ears and a tail & talking to girls. Sunday morning (today) I fell asleep rocking Swirly cat in the living room recliner. I woke up listening to Classic Arts Showcase on tv & with both cats showering me with affection for spoiling them. CAS was playing Glenn Close singing "Send in the Clowns" again. It had become incorporated into my dream. I dreamed I was an angel of death whose fondest wish was to become something else in place of my eternal vigil. At the end of the dream I got my wish granted from the boss. I was transforming into a clown & I thought at first that they had tricked me into losing my immortality to become a Fool. But then I started laughing and everything became all right again as I awoke.

   The odd thing about this one is that as soon as I awoke, Swirly cat got up from my lap on her hind paws & kissed me on the lips. Then her brother Sticky cat came up behind us & started singing & making happy mewling sounds. I ended up passing out in the rocker again until sunrise.