Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Anne Hathaway, Fantine, Les Misérables, musical, Gershwin tune, male dancers, catwoman dreams

I had a dream about this last night, even tho I didnt watch the 2012 movie, this is my first time seeing Hathaway sing it, and I ignored the golden globes last night except for checking out Hathaway on twitter in her white dress.

 I make no secret that I consider Hathaway highly attractive, having said so on tumblr & twitter last month when I posted her old desktop image from Princess/Bride/Catwoman..

In addition to this little ditty, my dream lady also sang 2 other dark Gershwin tunes (are their any?) to the accompaniment of some male dancers. I don't feel like trying to figure out which musical elements were Gershwin & which Les Mis since it is really a fragmented dream musical composition. Weird dream. Unexpected, though I suppose it should have been since I consider Hathaway the most attractive woman I looked at Sunday. We'll see if she darkens my wet dreams in the future, with her Madonna singing against the bankster aristocracy in another Gilded Age.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tarot reading, Killer Whales, freedom, grandmother, Kentucky church, destruction, Climate Change dream

Dream diary update. I know it sounds strange to make a tarot reading in a dream, but that's they only way it happens for me nowadays. I have my decks safely tucked away in the shed. I got tired of having too many dreams about Death and The Devil to practice meditation readings anymore.
   So anyway after another tumultuous night Saturday I fell asleep between 7 pm-10:30 pm, and again from 4 AM-7 AM. As I awoke just before 7 AM this morning (Sunday), a flurry of images from the prior 10 minutes of dreamsleep assailed my consciousness. I immediately turned to my tumblr blog to write about the Hudson Bay killer whales trapped by Climate Change.

   I wrote that I believed now that they were free. The reason I didn't give on tumblr for this fancy was a series of tarot images from my dream. I saw flashes from the Waite deck; "The Sun", "The Moon", "The Stars", and "The World" in conjunction with the ending music from Happy Feet 2, "Under Pressure."

Note that all of the Pixar creatures singing in the number are either whale or orcas food. The meaning of this sequence of trumps preceding "The Stars" suggests that the whale pod are now free together. However, "The World" following "The Stars" suggests that this freedom was achieved through some agency of extinction. Possibly the pod leader, or "grandmother" as Diane Sayer referred to her, sacrificing either herself or other members of the pod for the salvation of All. I believe now that the orcas pod still exists, but that the grandmother leader may have sacrificed herself to save her family from Climate Change disaster. I suspected the same thing as I listened to Diane Sawyer's news read Thursday night, but my dream Tarot reading seemed like confirmation for my suspicians.
   After these images about Climate Change and the lost whales, Next I saw a superposition of Senators Mitch McConnell & Rand Paul together w/ a Kentucky church and the Tarot card "The Tower" reversed. I only found out later that another local church had been destroyed by Climate Change Saturday in Kentucky no doubt somewhat deservedly. KY religious Conservatives have a lot to answer for, not least of which is the actions of their Senators and their coal lobbyists in MountainTop Removal (MTR) pollution murders of children. Since Kentuckians refuse to fund either socialized health care for children or public firefighters, they are lucky no one else was consumed by flames last night. However Kentuckians do fund a lot of Conservative child rapists instead, including murderous school principals and imitation cop-rapists. Remember they are the only state to have murdered a 2010 census worker by public lynching. IMAO They are lucky not to have lost more churches last night.