Saturday, November 19, 2011

Witch doctor, Phoenician diety, Inception, cat heads, parkour acrobat, rock giant, lion tamer, lost soldier dreams

   Dream diary update. My dreams have been pretty wild this week. Wednesday morning I had a powerful dream about chasing a witch doctor who was a jet black figure in a traditional African mask.

Most of the dream was supernatural and violent. I was a dark, immortal figure like Jason Vorhees but with elements of Mephistopheles for I could also perform soul deals. Anyway when I caught up with the witch doctor instead of fighting I wished him well. As he lay submissively he began to wiggle his mask & dance to an alpha wave rhythm as I awoke. The whole dream was so surreal that I was still hypnotized & I had a premonition of bad things happening that day which was borne out later Wednesday by extreme weather events. A song from the dream which I couldn't quite place right away belonged to the ending to the film Inception which I watched for the first time last weekend with nephew on my bootleg HBO. It was a woman singing in French from the Hans Zimmer score to the ending credits.

I believe now that I was dreaming I was the underworld deity Melqart since similar elements were uppermost in my mind in the hour after I came out of my trance. As I stared at my eyes in the bathroom mirror I thought about Phoenicia, Herakles, and Hannibal. I've dreamed about all of them before and about Moloch too so it makes sense that I might have one about Melqart. It is also worth noting that Melqart was venerated in the area from Syria to Spain which is currently in a state of extreme unrest that I am watching closely.
   Thursday morning's dream was much more conventional & like the film Inception, only instead of gun play & Hans Zimmer music my 'dream levels' were more concerned with traps and cat autopsies. The music as I awoke had changed from Zimmer's end credits to Jamaica Farewell by Harry Belafonte.
I've dreamed about this song since I was a kid so there was nothing strange about my dreaming about it again.
See I admired the way Harry Belafonte came down to Occupy Wall Street weeks ago and I liked the interview that Gwen Ifill did with him for the PBS Newshour this week. Like Michael Moore, Mr Belafonte is a chic liberal who is very willing to talk with folks first before letting lamestream Conservative Foxmedia prejudge them unfit society for him. It used to be common in New York in the 1960s and 70s for rich Manhattan liberals to host parties with Black Panthers for example. That's why when I saw Mr Belafonte at #OWS I tweeted Gwen Ifill that 'I still think Harry Belafonte is bigger than Elvis' which of course he was at one time as she points out in her interview.
   Friday morning's dream was about being a crazy clown acrobat doing my Parkour in a traveling circus. I also dreamed I turned into a Rock Giant and became part of the hillside with rolling grass growing over me and people walking on me.
When I woke up I realized I had been exercising in my sleep again. I had done side push ups that lasted until muscle failure so my right triceps was pretty sore.   Before midnight Friday I had another recurring dream about being a lion tamer with big cats. Nothing unusual there since lion tamer is one of my dream jobs. I largely prefer the company of big cats to people so any time I spend more time with my little cats than humans in a 24 hour period I have that dream. About 2 hours ago I dreamed about Japanese WWII survivors living alone & soldiering forever on Pacific islands. PBS Globe trekker happened to be left playing on my tv and the subject episode happened to be Japanese WWII installations. So this was another instance that tv voices influenced the subject matter of a light dream.