Friday, December 3, 2010

Italian Job/Dirty Rotten Scoundrels recurring dream Purgatorio

Dream diary update. I fell asleep rocking my cat Fluffy. She was so insistent that she didn't let me off the hook for the last 5 hours. Like the last 4 nights I woke up in time to watch Charlie Rose on KETC/PBS, though I missed BBC World News before it tonight. I just had a recurring dream that was like a cross of The Italian Job and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Its been 6 years since I watched them together as a Michael Caine movie rental, but they made an impression on my recurring Purgatorio dreams. Since I read the Divine Comedy at the Vatican library, I've had recurring transformational dreams of what I think the real versions are like. My impression of Christian purgatory has been analogous to Mark Twain's attitude about their religion, i.e., where the villainous learn how to be good con artists. In the dream I kept breaking into a storefront to get the attention of a mob boss who was working there on planning a big heist. It turned out that the entire block was like a sort of purgatory for evil con men, with new ones dropping off all the time from different routes. I was constantly being expelled by the henchmen guards and figuring out new ways to get in. I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted there, though I eventually won acceptance by claiming a desire to apprentice under the mob boss and by proving my own scoundrel abilities. The deadline for the big heist kept looming closer and I learned more and more until the scoundrels finally stopped arriving the day before it was scheduled. Instead of delivering scoundrel-souls the reaper began delivering their daughters to accuse them of abuse/neglect. Silvio Berlusconi's adult daughter made a big stink about his abandoning her that threatened to blow up half the store. Next David Letterman's daughter arrived to confront him about sexism and family neglect. The scoundrel mob store was emptied of residents that went out front to argue with their womenfolk. Finally I was alone with the mob boss and able to ask him a few questions about my inheritance hidden there in a Swiss account number. He laughed and told me that the numbers I wanted were on the table. They were typed in wax paper and covered in egg yolk. As I scratched off the egg yolk I was able to read the left one of the two numbers. Before I could read the right one I awoke. The left serial number was DH587394L I could make out that the right one had a G in it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

HAL security system punk sci fi dream

Dream diary update. This dream I just had was like one of the 1980s punk sci fi indy-produced movies. In it a serial killer had stalked my friends and parents. My brother and I and our stepfather (we don't have one) were all that's left. Stepfather, played by Jonathan Pryce, kept his white collar job. My brother kept his construction job working a cement mixer. I kept my job working as an entertainer at the casino. My job had some new automated monsters chasing us naked while people ate and watched. It was becoming quite dangerous, especially for me. So after letting the monsters do their thing for awhile while dining gamblers watched, I finished my last shift and quit.  I picked up a couple of ladies working with me on the way out to double date with brother and I, a blond and a redhead. The dream got kind of dark and erotic at that point. We all had sex outside at the ancient ruins in one of the boroughs. Meanwhile stepfather arrived to our new condo and was rebuffed by the new security system he'd had installed to keep out the stalkers. He decided to spend the night at a five-star hotel and complain in the morning. We didn't know that most of the advanced automation in the city had started to become self-aware and plot killing their masters. That's a 1980s cyber-punk sci fi theme that I often dream about. After midnight sometime, my brother got nervous about the stalker. We decided to move the sex to our new condo. My brother and the girls were imprisoned by the new security system while I smoked outside. I noticed something was wrong when it wouldn't let me in so I short-circuited the door. The girls gratefully fled with us and we all left together for the hotel when I awoke. I immediately knew something had to wrong when the girls didn't hate us and blame us for everything bad that happened during the sex. That's why I woke myself up from the dream, even though the sex was quite good.

Lord of the Flies+Samuel Clemens purgatory dream

Dream diary update. My dream can be classified as a 'Lord of the Flies' type dream with Samuel Clemens' overtones. I believe the Samuel part is because I desperately want to read a copy of his autobiography that is being bound nearby according to local news, but I have no money to buy one. I frequently have dreams where I cast myself as Clemens since we share the mutual name, even though Samuel is reversed in the dream from my family name to a given name. I also dream about the demon Samael occasionally when the letters are reversed. Anyway in my dream I was one of several eternal childhood counselors at the Eternal Summer work camp. Unlike the adult counselors who were snarly and hated being there, I was one of the inmate assistants. The adult counselors thought we were in Hell and like smoking, drinking, and humping late at night and other odd hours. This required other types of camp assistants, including an adult black Roma migrant laborer named Jim. Jim had a wife and daughter somewhere whom he liked stealing for. I looked the other way one time and got him clemency for stealing small things out near the dam we were building. We children liked frolicking with Pan and his nymphs out in the moonlight. Jim looked the other way and sometimes played his accordion while we danced under the full moon. So I was just returning the favor. Anyway one of the strongest child nymph-inmate assistants was also going to be punished by the adults. It was because she had made it clear to all the children that she was just there to have sex with someone other than Pan. She was strong and fond of speaking her mind openly. One of the other male children had ended up asking her what she was doing there if it wasn't to obey the adult counselors. Well the adults had summoned a child psychologist-counselor and they were getting ready to tie up and burn the child-nymph. Suddenly they aborted the witch burning and sent all the kids back to work on the dam except for the child assistants. The adults let me untie her but I didn't feel any better. They led her away to to their favorite orgy spot while they led me to the horse stables. The other adults had Jim there tied upside down and hanging against one of the stalls, sort of like the tarot card the hanged man but hanging reversed and while still alive. I knew we were in for it but I figured that they were probably just testing my loyalty. The adults then told me that Jim had stolen one of the supervisors' leather belts at the dam and they pointed it out around his waist. He had taken it for his wife and daughter but they didn't care about that. The adults made it clear they wanted me to beat him to death with the belt. I was given the choice of what to do to try to get us all out of the jam when I awoke. Kyra Sedgwick/The Closer was playing on SpikeTV. I realized that some of the dream child-nymph's dialogues had been the same as Kyra Sedgewick's narrations. The Closer was wrapping up the case of a charming guy who had killed his wife and daughter and who made it look like suicide at sea.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dream diary update. I made the mistake of falling asleep while watching SpikeTV. I had a dream about joining a company where the only way to get promoted was to become a wizard's apprentice to one of the executives. They were all caucasian shapechangers and most of the workers were mostly short asiatics. Anyway a dispute between raven-winged and bat-winged ended up turning into a gun battle. I escaped the boardroom with another less durable one. The black employees were setting up velvet ropes and telling everyone to mind their own business. The guy I rescued asked, "So this is how how you get promoted?" Everyone waited in fear to greet the victors as the battle raged on and I awoke to the warehouse gunfight scene in National Security on the telly.

National Security trailer