Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pharaoh's architect, Director of Transportation, Climate Change dream

Dream diary update. For 2 days I've had very interesting dreams but I've been unable to recall most of them, which means that my sleep has been fairly long and deep. Around 0230 today I awoke after only sleeping 3 hours so I was able to recall much of the dream. I was Pharaoh's architect and Director of Transportation in ancient/future Egypt/North America. We had buses, trains, planes, automobiles, trucks, and boats. Since I had to ride all the lines by myself I wanted more high-speed rail for convenience. I had to convince Pharaoh that the Gods had sent a period of bad weather that would cause disaster and unrest.

This punishment was because Pharaoh had chosen to stop listening to them and keep polluting the Nile/Mississippi river and killing the Earth. I kept monitoring the flows of our transportation networks and riding them faster and faster. Finally I had had enough of working for Pharaoh so I quit. While walking alone on the beach I looked out to sea. I felt Horus/Osiris call out to my soul in the foam of the waves as I awoke.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Anasazi, Skins, Downton Abbey, Sphinx, Aida dreams

Dream diary update. I was up most of the night after having dreams all of Sunday afternoon about the Ancient Pueblo or Anasazi civilization as they were known by the Navajo. I was a successful basket weaver who had a large family with an interest in experimenting with glass.making and shell ornaments. My potter friends made fun of my experiments. We frequently traded with passing Navajo.
Early this morning around 0200 I finally dropped off and had a dream that was an odd combination of Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey from PBS and conjecture of what Skins on MTV might be like (I've never seen Skins, but I've been hearing news that US Tea Partiers/Evangelicals want to censor it.)

This morning at 0558 I awoke after having dreams of being a sort of Sphinx-like individual who passively and objectively marked everything going on around me. I had several female partners visit who watched the people with me for a time. There was loud singing from a female soprano of Verdi's aria Aida that frequently drowned out my other senses and pacified me. So I only watched without taking part in human affairs while listening to the beautiful voice.