Monday, July 2, 2012

TM, water elemental, beasts, cat girl, dark angel, Hell dreams

   Dream diary update. I had a few God dreams early last week. When I have dreams that are filled with Transcendental Meditation imagery or ancient mythologies then I call them God dreams. I had a dream about being a water elemental. Another couple of dreams about animals. I dreamed I was a fox.

A couple of dreams about croc, water moccasin, giraffes and of course cats. I had a sex dream about doing a hot cat girl Friday.

   Mostly though I've been having dreams about Hell again  I had a dream Saturday afternoon about being savaged and ripped to shreds in the dusk sky by flying dark angels. One of them swooped up & dived down like an eagle to finish me off as I awoke.
 Today I passed out late this afternoon and I dreamed about being hammered, clawed, and tortured by old people in this huge dark mansion. The mansion was like the one from the Fall of The House of Usher but bigger and taller, almost like a mountain cathedral. The two old ladies were about to claw out my throat. One of them went for my right eye & the other disemboweled me as I awoke.
I've been dreaming about old people a lot lately, probably because I only socialize daily with my parents. Nevertheless I felt magickally charged up after this dream. I'm pretty used to Hell dreams by now. Also I woke up with the cats taking shelter in my bed so I was quite peaceful. When I brought them outside the white peacock flew up in a tree above the roof and joined us out front. He's been roosting on the back porch. I think he likes the cat food and bird seed I set out there regularly with the water bowls.