Saturday, March 12, 2011

Painterly Autoharp, Grecian column dreams

Dream diary update. The last 2 mornings I awoke a little too quickly for diary entries. Yesterday I started news and twitter updates about the tsunami immediately This morning I started doing housework & fixing breakfast within minutes of waking up. Nevertheless the dreams I've been having are quite pleasant and multidimensional. Yesterday morning I woke up from a dream where I could control the 360 degree image around me like painting a painting, only I couldn't escape the singing of this nymph and her music. The instrument she was playing sounded like an electronic zither or autoharp of some kind playing monotonic scales in some repeating patterns that felt like waves crashing on a beach. I turned the landscape around me to a starry night and sent away our friends but I couldn't escape my lady music lover as I awoke.

About 20 minutes ago I awoke after having a dream about trying to save mom from Destiny. Dad ended up helping me but we were unable to save her completely. At the end our friends and I watched Dad's reaction while we assembled on a walking path intersection, perhaps awaiting some tent so we could have her wake. Instead we watched dad build a tall monument to mom that looked like a great Grecian column with gold filigree that could serve as a giant pedestal as I awoke.

Like yesterday I woke up with a solid erection, so my circulation is good along with the weather. Unlike yesterday I awoke on the couch upstairs with Classic Arts Showcase playing beautiful mezzo-soprano music on ABC-TV. I was extremely pleased that I didn't completely miss it as its my favorite TV program.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, erotic photos dream

Dream diary update. My dreams lately have been more puzzling than interesting. This morning I woke up around 0400 after having a delightful dream about moving through giant trees and rivers while fighting off waves of attackers on the ground. The way I moved was like a cross between Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, pole vaulting, and Tarzan.

As I tried to wake up, the latest Catholic priest sex scandal in Philadelphia was playing on CBS Up to the Minute. The way I incorporated this into my dream was by moving from my guerilla forests into temporary a locker room area. There an older man showed me a magazine of surreal erotic pictures and made innuendoes for a minute while I thumbed through it until I awoke. I felt after awakening this way both relaxed from the natural landscapes and also like I had taken a bath in raw sewage. Latter feeling takes me back to my angry childhood. Its my own fault for listening to news and information subliminally while sleeping. Its an old study habit from my college cramming days. Really works for my telecourses and educational videos.