Thursday, August 11, 2011

Watery combat, pool, wormhole dreams

Dream diary update. I fell asleep with Skanky kitty on top of me around midnight. I had a dream about water. I was playing an amphibian war sim God game that involved my forces taking tiles of atolls that an enemy kept building technology on. Eventually I phased out of my God game role and opened my  eyes to a watery marble ceiling. I was floating around on my back in a heated pool. Eventually I began picking junk and signs up from the bottom of the pool to toss them out on the tiles. A couple of middle-aged white male swimmers like myself finished swimming and got out as a hairy black fellow showed up. He didn't seem to like what I was doing. After a while of me clieaning and him treading water and glowering another black fellow showed up. He appeared to be a younger male relative of the first fellow. They both embraced treading water as I picked up a sign on the bottom of the pool underneath them. The older fellow told me to knock it off to which I responded that it was my duty to clean the pool. I looked at the last sign I had finally retrieved. I could almost read it through my watery eyes and vapor when I awoke. Stinky cat was purring on my chest and looking into my eyes while touching noses. It was about 0430. I drifted off to sleep again
   My next dream wasn't about swimming but was more surreal. It was like I was in a dimensional tunnel or wormhole with lots of cosmic strings and threads whipping around me. When I awoke the closest analogy I could think of to describe this dream is an amalgam of a hi res Nature film about non-vertebrates, the climax sequence from 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the opening credits to the Bryan Singer 2000 X-men film.

I know those are dated movies but I'm an old movie fan. It was 0615 and Skanky kitty was still cuddling on my chest, purring, and meowing to me. I put her outside and fed the kittens.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NSFW, Trivia sexual torture, Bastet prayers answered, deity dreams

   I've been having lots of wild dreams over the last 9 days, but I just didn't bother to write about any of them. This morning I woke up from a dream where a goddess had me bound up with my arms bound above my head in sexual torture. I don't really enjoy submission games, so throughout the dream I begged her to tell me her name. I felt her pale and delicate handhold my face as she hissed in my ear "Trivia." The darkness about my rack lifted. I then had a fleeting vision, flashing images of a crossroads, a graveyard, and pale nymphs laughing and leering at me as I awoke. I figure this dream has something to do with digging up one of my erotic music video links last night. I thoroughly enjoyed Rammstein's "Pussy" video uncensored, Embedded below is the censored version for youtube:

   This particular Rammstein video has a similar sexual torture sequence and culminates in a series of flashing images. That doesn't explain the "Goddess of Ghosts" aspects of my dream, but it does explain the sexual context. Significantly in waking life I have been a submissive before though not for decades now since I didn't really enjoy it much. Though I'm an agnostic I frequently have dreams of deity, but this time the Goddess character seemed to particularly want some kind of recognition from me. I interpret this part of the dream as a reminder to myself that I had sworn to honor Bastet again this month with candles on the hearth. I haven't blogged about it until now since I wasn't sure how to, but I think the dream diary is the correct place.
   After I awoke the cats were begging at my bedroom garage door to come inside and visit. I let Skanky the cat in and she wouldn't leave me alone. That was hours ago. She's still hanging around. Its highly possible that these two coincidences accounts for the urgency and imploring Goddess command aspects of my dream today. The reason I had promised to honor Bastet is that when my 17-year-old calico cat Fluffy began having seizures and pain a few months ago in April, I prayed to Bastet. I don't know why I prayed to Bastet since I'm agnostic, but I did pray to God for her brother Pepe when he was dying in 2005. I prayed to Bastet for three things: 1. I wanted her to make Fluffy's passing as easy and happy as possible. It was. 2. I prayed that she would receive Fluffy and watch over her in the Underworld/Afterlife. 3. I prayed to Bastet that another steady companion would make the transition as easy on me as possible. I needed a tabby who enjoyed being held for hours and liked hugging my neck with her paws.
   Now number 3 is the curious part, since the night of Fluffy's passing this Skanky wild tabby showed up out of the woods in the backyard. I found her sitting nose-to-nose with Fluffy under the picnic table at dusk when her strength was failing her. She started like she would run back into the woods when she saw me. Instead she spontaneously tamed herself. I picked up Fluffy and carried her inside to rock and to talk with her. I left the wild cat outside and all of our cats inside, since there were so many wild animals about. After midnight Fluffy got worse and I threw the other cats out and moved her downstairs. I don't know how but I found the wild/tame cat had somehow followed us inside and hidden down in the basement. She touched noses with Fluffy again and I gently threw her out at midnight. The new wild/tame cat started calling and sighing in the garage all night. I found around 0327 that Fluffy had passed away. The skinny wild cat didn't leave but instead became immediately as possessive of me as Fluffy had been. The other cats didn't know what to make of her since she avoided them and ate many of the mushrooms in the yard. In the past few months I named her Skanky since she always wants 10 hugs from me. The only other person she lets hold her yet is my biologist nephew. The curious thing is that I prayed to Bastet for my longtime cat companion and my prayers were answered even though I'm agnostic. When I prayed to God for Pepe cat years ago the results were awful. I guess that's another reason why I plan to stay agnostic.