Thursday, July 7, 2011

Diety, opera allegro, carnage dream

Dream diary update. The heat of the Midwest summer has interrupted my sleep rhythms. I now siesta through the hottest part of the day, afternoon, while catching up on the rest after midnight sometime. Anyway two nights ago I had a dream that was so intense that I woke up with a storm of creative brain activity. I immediately blogged several times and microblogged on Twitter for an intense 14 hours. I still recall some dream details so I think I should write about them in the dream diary.
   In my dream I was a different kind of God. In our "real" world I was but a helpless fool and beggar. When I shifted into seventh dimension however our "real" world became a simple abstraction. The many people I tried to help and massacres around me all were represented as white mathematical symbols continuously scribing in space over a flat game board. The game board was tiled so boundaries of places like Yemen and Sri Lanka were clearly outlined. The piles of bodies from the mayhem in our world were represented in the alternate dimension by beautifully crafted game pieces.
   Another thing unique to my alternate dimension was resounding opera chorus singing in the background that echoed everywhere. When I shifted there the sounds of the tenor Pavarotti and a full cast could be heard. I couldn't place the opera but it sounded like a blend of "I Pagliacci", one I couldn't place, and "Les Misérables." I know that doesn't make a lot of sense. I think the one I couldn't place in the blended choruses may have been an unnamed Spanish Zarzuela opera. So the dimensional opera I was listening to was in at least 3 different languages in which I am versed, if that is consequential.
   Like most Deity dreams I was extremely powerful in my alternate dimension. Somewhere between Odin and Apollo I think with some traits of the trickster Coyote. It was this aspect of the dream that led me to avoid writing about it. I don't always like recording my lusts.