Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tornado summons, Cats dancing dreams

Dream diary update. Friday I had dreams about old men torturing me. I worked up enough courage to confront their bullies working in a restaurant. When I went in I could almost see the sarcastic laughter of the kitchen staff as they closed all the windows to the dining room by pulling the slatted blinds down. I could hear their laughter even though I could feel myself growing flush with power and anger as a storm whipped up above the restaurant. I could feel the tornado touching down above even as I knew they were no longer there leaving only echoes of their laughter. I disappeared in a gust of wind through the wall around the main window that rocked the restaurant and awoke around 0600.
About an hour ago I had another dream about doing some detective work for some lost things. It was the world from Cats The Musical again.My calico long-hair cat Fluffy was there too dancing solo ballet even though she acted like she barely knew me. She paused in her dancing long enough to touch my face for a moment and muss my hair. I had to find all the lost things to get out of Cats world but I was having poor luck. Even though I was in no hurry I found the first lost objects as I awoke around 0400.

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