Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pharaoh's architect, Director of Transportation, Climate Change dream

Dream diary update. For 2 days I've had very interesting dreams but I've been unable to recall most of them, which means that my sleep has been fairly long and deep. Around 0230 today I awoke after only sleeping 3 hours so I was able to recall much of the dream. I was Pharaoh's architect and Director of Transportation in ancient/future Egypt/North America. We had buses, trains, planes, automobiles, trucks, and boats. Since I had to ride all the lines by myself I wanted more high-speed rail for convenience. I had to convince Pharaoh that the Gods had sent a period of bad weather that would cause disaster and unrest.

This punishment was because Pharaoh had chosen to stop listening to them and keep polluting the Nile/Mississippi river and killing the Earth. I kept monitoring the flows of our transportation networks and riding them faster and faster. Finally I had had enough of working for Pharaoh so I quit. While walking alone on the beach I looked out to sea. I felt Horus/Osiris call out to my soul in the foam of the waves as I awoke.

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