Thursday, August 11, 2011

Watery combat, pool, wormhole dreams

Dream diary update. I fell asleep with Skanky kitty on top of me around midnight. I had a dream about water. I was playing an amphibian war sim God game that involved my forces taking tiles of atolls that an enemy kept building technology on. Eventually I phased out of my God game role and opened my  eyes to a watery marble ceiling. I was floating around on my back in a heated pool. Eventually I began picking junk and signs up from the bottom of the pool to toss them out on the tiles. A couple of middle-aged white male swimmers like myself finished swimming and got out as a hairy black fellow showed up. He didn't seem to like what I was doing. After a while of me clieaning and him treading water and glowering another black fellow showed up. He appeared to be a younger male relative of the first fellow. They both embraced treading water as I picked up a sign on the bottom of the pool underneath them. The older fellow told me to knock it off to which I responded that it was my duty to clean the pool. I looked at the last sign I had finally retrieved. I could almost read it through my watery eyes and vapor when I awoke. Stinky cat was purring on my chest and looking into my eyes while touching noses. It was about 0430. I drifted off to sleep again
   My next dream wasn't about swimming but was more surreal. It was like I was in a dimensional tunnel or wormhole with lots of cosmic strings and threads whipping around me. When I awoke the closest analogy I could think of to describe this dream is an amalgam of a hi res Nature film about non-vertebrates, the climax sequence from 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the opening credits to the Bryan Singer 2000 X-men film.

I know those are dated movies but I'm an old movie fan. It was 0615 and Skanky kitty was still cuddling on my chest, purring, and meowing to me. I put her outside and fed the kittens.

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