Saturday, July 21, 2012

Valkyries, ravens, demon bears, Bast, Nile boat dreams

Dream diary update. Well I've been doing my best to forget my dreams again. I purposely avoid making entries in this blog more than once a month. My dreams this past month have varied from heaven to hell and back again. I had a dream last week that was so vivid I thought it was real. I was in a beautiful landscape with Valkyries trying to prevent me from leaving. I turned into a raven to fly away from them and they turned into swans. Somehow I flew sideways into a dark river and the world turned 90 degrees as I emerged back home in Middle-Earth as I awoke.

   Last night I had a dream about fighting demon-bears around 4 AM. I was really tearing the shit out of them, typically disemboweling a scowling demon-bear with one stroke of my sword. The slaughter was so one-sided that I took a young nephew as a page and trained him to do it. He had just disemboweled his demon-grizzly with a single stroke for the first time when I awoke.
Swirly kitten was curled up on top of me nibbling my nose. She wanted pet for about an hour while I chatted with my real nephew.
   I fell asleep again around 8 AM, this time with Swirly's mother, Skanky cat, wanting to cuddle. I had a dream about the violin from Rouge et Bleu again. It's one of my favorite clips from Classic Arts Showcase that was playing when I awoke from the demon-bears dream at 4 AM.

The violin was playing throughout my dream, which involved me spending time with my lover Bast while floating on a Nile junk made of papyrus together. I thought we might make love when I awoke. Skanky cat was putting deeply on my spine and periodically licking my neck and nibbling my ears.

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