Monday, December 10, 2012

Special guest post: Danny Elfman, Disability Treaty, tax havens, revolving door Congress, hot tub flush dreams

Well I have been keeping to my intended 1 post per month on the Dream Diary blog. That's because forcing myself awake to write entry details while they were fresh was causing a radical sleep deficit of 3-6 hours per night in October. Anyway I was going to write an entry this morning when my nephew beat me to it, and easily too. This is his (Dirk Diddly's) dream.
Special guest post: my Naturalist nephew, who also happens to be disabled, via chat log

[11:23:00]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I dreamed that I had found the secret tax-free party island of corrupt U.S. politicians
[11:23:24]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
and their guards took me to a pool with Danny Elfman as lifeguard I guess
[11:23:51]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
he asked me a series of questions regarding what I thought of America and if I knew their secrets
[11:25:33]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
apparently dissatisfied with my responses they threw me into the pool and pressed a button that caused a large hole to open in the side of the pool, where I was sucked in headfirst and I believe killed somehow, tho the dream ended then so I don't really know
[11:25:47]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
kind of an unpleasant dream
[11:27:04]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
It's cuz I was listening to oingo boingo when you sent me those links about the teapublicans killing the disability rights treaty
[11:27:17]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
my brain fused it somehow
[11:27:21]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
coo dream
[12:44:15]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
y and they were all men, it was their secret tax-free gay island paradise that us common folk aren't supposed to know about
[12:44:37]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
Must be where congress spends all its time instead of actually doing something

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