Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Anne Hathaway, Fantine, Les Misérables, musical, Gershwin tune, male dancers, catwoman dreams

I had a dream about this last night, even tho I didnt watch the 2012 movie, this is my first time seeing Hathaway sing it, and I ignored the golden globes last night except for checking out Hathaway on twitter in her white dress.

 I make no secret that I consider Hathaway highly attractive, having said so on tumblr & twitter last month when I posted her old desktop image from Princess/Bride/Catwoman..

In addition to this little ditty, my dream lady also sang 2 other dark Gershwin tunes (are their any?) to the accompaniment of some male dancers. I don't feel like trying to figure out which musical elements were Gershwin & which Les Mis since it is really a fragmented dream musical composition. Weird dream. Unexpected, though I suppose it should have been since I consider Hathaway the most attractive woman I looked at Sunday. We'll see if she darkens my wet dreams in the future, with her Madonna singing against the bankster aristocracy in another Gilded Age.

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