Thursday, March 21, 2013

Equinox, Old Ones, vampire queen, liche priest, animals, nature, sunlight dreams

   Dream diary update. I usually expect weird disturbing dreams on the equinox and this time was no exception. Perhaps the oddest thing was really that my disabled naturalist nephew had dreams about being caught by a tentacled deep sea creature. One of HP Lovecraft's Old Ones no doubt, although he put it in context of sea life anatomy. Chat log:

[14:37:24]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I had a really weird "dream". I could swear I was basically awake, but I could not move and I saw this huge gelatinous tentacled creature advance upon me and caress me with its tentacles
[14:37:33]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
it freaked me the fuck out
[14:37:50]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
but when I "woke" up there was no change of scenery
[14:37:58]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
the creature just disappeared
[14:39:09]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
I'm not sure if I was awake and still in a dream state at the same time somehow or if I just happened to dream that I was laying in the recliner facing the kitchen in exactly the way I actually was during the dream
[14:39:13]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
no way to tell
[14:39:29]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
It was a WEIRD fuckin creature
[14:40:34]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
its tentacles were like lampreys and it was glowy blue, looked like one of those big assed siphonohores tryin to wrap itself around my head
[14:41:52]     [ / 2620:9b::19ed:8439 - Dirk Diddly]
thats a nice equinox dream
my equinox dream was odd too

   Well, I didn't tell him my equinox dream. Its because it was a disturbing gender bender one. I dreamed I was a character from one of my favorite anime, Saya from Blood+. She's a vampire hunter queen with a sword. Also I dreamed that we (her assistant Chevalier, Haji, and I) were trapped in a cell deep underground with only candlelight to illuminate our attempts to escape. We were fighting all types of undead, not just vampires. There wasn't any time for food or sex. I was about to surrender to the liche priest when I awoke. It was just 1 hour before the equinox at 6:02 AM CDT. I'm not much of a gamer but my nephews are constantly reminding me about how tough they are whenever I talk to them about Baldur's Gate and other games we used to play together.

   My other dreams during the equinox were last night and they were mostly nature, animals, animal spirits, and sunlight. I woke after midnight concerned about my animal friends and the cats all glommed me after I came downstairs to blog in bed.

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