Monday, December 13, 2010

new molecules, synthetic lifeforms, Large Hadron Collider

Dream diary update. Tonight around 1230 I had a dream that was like a beautiful symphony. I dreamed that we used the Large Hadron Collider to synthesize the particles of creation. The particles were magnified and represented dimensionally until they were projected holographically in the lab to appear as big as monoliths. I stayed late in the lab and skipped dinner with the wife (I don't have one) to observe the particles organizing into the molecules of Life. As the sun set in the East I could see new life begin to emerge from them as I awoke. Later I had another dream of particles the size of beach balls. We played volleyball with them on the beach even though their Navier-Stokes coefficients kept them moving constantly. When I awoke at 0350 the Mormon Tabernacle Choir were singing Christmas carols on WSIU/PBS and the cats were watching me.

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