Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Twin Warriors, elf girl dream

Dream diary update. I've had a cold lately and Fluffy the cat has been merciless about tackling me when I wake up and not getting off. So its been difficult to keep up with the entries and I'm 3 behind now. Tuesday morning at 0430 I had a dream about being part of a pair of twin warriors. The dream had lots of Japanese overtones. My mystical brother and I had different fighting skills. Mine were H2H, arrows & thrown darts, and ninja arts. His were edged weapons, cavalry riding, and the way of the samurai. We were drawn to attack one another but I had overcome the spiritual malaise through training. My brother was being consumed by the madness. I had a flame-haired elf girl as a girlfriend. During a quest I had saved the village where her father was elder. Near the end of the dream it became more violent as they are wont to do. My brother was unable to resist the need to attack me. He grabbed me by the neck for an embrace but instead held me at length while he used his right hand to destroy his collection of mystical edged weapons in his armory. I let him do it, knowing that he could never beat me without them as I awoke.

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