Friday, December 10, 2010

Sleepless nights, Tempest and fire dreams, more injuries

Dream diary update. Tuesday night around 0300 I had a dream about traveling nearly the same route over and over again. I normally associate tumultuous dreams like that to reading Will Shakespeare's The Tempest. I would start on the trains and meet with Dad in the country to drive past Bar-be-cue huts with food out on picnic tables. Each time Dad would refuse to stop to let me gorge on the meat, presumably so we could go off hunting and fishing. This part of the dream is probably because I've recently progressed my weight loss diet to banning Dad's mystery meat, sausages and bacon. As the dream progressed faster and faster jumping off the trains became more dangerous and the skewered meat outside got bigger and bigger until my mouth was watering. Dad became meaner like he used to be when he growled that I should shut up and stay in my seat when I awoke. My left ankle was badly sprained from some motion I had done while asleep. This is just 2 weeks after the bad bite I gave my left ring finger while asleep which has finally healed. I had hoped that the bite was an isolated incident over grief for letting mom's cat Hunter finally get eaten by the coyotes outside. It is my job to watch over the cats. Apparently the injurious sleep disturbance is part of a new cycle. It is likely that the sprained ankle is merely from sleeping sitting up in a half-lotus position again. I decided to start sleeping on the couch upstairs where it would be harder to walk or thrash around without waking. Wednesday afternoon around 1800 I had a 90-min nap with a dream about being paralyzed and burning for an entire day on a funeral pyre in the African steppe. I woke up feeling the flames lapping at my face and feeling much better. Thursday morning at 0700 I had a dream about being on a planet where the landscape was red and the sky purple. Insects that sounded like crickets buzzed loudly as the wind gusted the tall red grasses. I awoke with the chirp of the insects in my ears. Tonight I awoke at midnight feeling happy that I couldn't remember my dreams.

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