Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Abstract Expressionist Tetris Wings Dream

Dream diary update. My dreams lately have ranged from Shakespearean to abstract dadaism. Since none of them were very personal or thematic, I decided not to attempt to describe the indescribable in my dreams blog over the past week. Part of the reason for this lack of focused imagery is that: 1.I've stopped going out for walks in the cold and 2. My 17-yr-old cat Fluffy has been affectionate but insistent that she sleep on top of me for 6 hours a day. Since we have heat now I'm not sure why she still requires this much contact with my prodigious body heat. Just now I had another 1.5 hour nap with Fluffy on top. While sleeping I dreamed I had golden wings that looked and felt like a Gustav Klimt painting, only the pixelated boxes kept moving and rearranging themselves in space and time like a Tetris game. There was no blurring of boxes as they had very distinct edges like in Cubism. I don't feel ashamed about having Tetris video game dreams anymore since the Russians released studies that shows playing it increases IQ. In my dream after sitting calmly for an eternity I finally began to flap my kaleidoscopically shifting wings in preparation for our first flight when I awoke.

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