Thursday, February 24, 2011

Berzerk air elemental, Species bio-weapon dreams

Dream diary update. Unpleasant creation has been a theme in my dreams lately. That puts them in the same dream genre as that which inspired Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Yesterday morning around 0725 I had a dream about my 4 elementals again. This time I was having trouble with my air elemental going berzerk. He was just about to expand the radius of his tantrum to include the town around us when I awoke. I was on the couch upstairs with the TV on and Fluffy cat and Stinky purring on top of me.

An hour ago I had a dream  about being a medical technician and scientist who worked contracts on secret projects inside a research lab. I handled the growth chambers while other researchers worried about the gene sequences. I noticed that the Species child (young Sil) was being grown in my vats and I felt she had a right to survive because of her human origins.

Nevertheless I reported her to the other researchers who promptly investigated test subjects from the offending scientist initiating the experiments. It turns out he had other bio-weapons developing in our lab so all his records were confiscated and his test subjects were red-flagged. We found out he was cultivating a deadly virus inside giant lab animals. We were about to cull his capybara and his giant nautilus from the other animals when I awoke.

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