Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pyramids, Sears catalog, Wicker Man dreams

Dream diary update. Friday morning I awoke after another Ancient Egyptian dream. This one was more like spending a conventional day there than the others with pyramids, queens, artwork and scarabs.

Saturday morning after staying up most of the night and I dreamed about being 7 years old with mom again. Coincidentally mom had come home late and was alone upstairs that night. Most likely since I knew every non-cat sound upstairs was hers and not Dad's, I incorporated her into my dreams. In my dream I was reading Sears catalogs. When I was a kid they sent us several trees worth of slick paper catalogs that I often read, feeling that I owed that much to the trees. I never bought any of it but I learned you can't bury slick paper catalogs like a dead pet or a fallen tree. Anyway in my dream I was in a bazaar curios shop reading about model trains, Star Wars, and Millennium Falcon toys while mom chatted up the shopkeeper when I awoke.

This morning I just had one of my confrontational Wicker Man-type dreams. In my dream I was losing and fighting him to a fiery draw in different ditches I've crawled in before when I awoke.

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