Saturday, March 5, 2011

Macbeth's witches, fruit stands, clouds & rainbows dreams

Dream diary update. I've been neglecting the diary again this week, more concerned about getting 9+ hours of sleep than recalling and recording my dreams. I have to be half-awake when I do the recall within 5 minutes and then I must wait a while to gather myself before writing. Anyway today I fell asleep rocking Fluffy and dreamed about floating above the clouds and rainbows with her. A couple of nights ago I dreamed about having 3 witches with me like Macbeth again. (early Tuesday night.) About 2 hours ago Fluffy woke me up by touching faces. I was having another dream about Macbeth's witches. This dream was less about them talking and making dire predictions than about me hawking and selling stuff with their help. Our base was in the sky above the metropolis where all these fruit stands would spring up. The three witches helped me set up a chain of stands for selling fresh fruit and other sundries before I awoke. I wondered immediately if Fluffy woke me up because something was wrong, but I think now she just missed me. The weather outside has been so warm that I just propped the back door open for her all day yesterday. So I propped it open again and turned on Classic Arts Showcase to listen to music and the wind on the pond and trees outside with her.

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