Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Family role-reversal, megalopolis, tax-dodging beatnik dreams

Dream diary  update. I had a dream during my nap this morning that was not at all bleak or upsetting. I dreamed my dad was my brother and mom was my daughter. Other than that permute we all were quite happy. Just now I had an odd dream that I had moved to Salt Lake City metroplex of the future.

I allowed myself to be invited to a cafe were the sandwiches were $1500. Amusingly they allowed me to eat on credit even though my new apparatchik friends were paying dutch. No one understood that a newcomer wouldn't be able to pay that much for a sandwich. I found that I was in a society were they accepted being taxed that much while government-subsidized corporations weren't taxed at all. I became a tax-dodging beatnik much like those on Off Beat Cinema. I saw myself as a friendly rebel and a writer, sort of like a latter-day Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. I was hitchhiking around the University to be near the students while easily eluding authorities.

Eventually I remembered giving the shopkeeper my word to return, so in order to keep him out of the poorhouse I returned to the cafe at the exact moment I had originally arrived. I knew this was paradox but I went inside anyway to pay the onerous sales taxes and immediately awoke.

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