Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lost nephews, cats, fruit, pope, bum fight dreams

Dream diary update. I haven't been keeping up because my dreams have been disturbing lately. Usually I get up early and try to forget about them immediately. I catch up with an afternoon  nap later. Anyway last week I had a lot of dreams about losing my nephews or being lost looking for them. I also had dreams about being a cat and inventing new fruit. This week my dreams have been about homelessness including one just an hour ago. Having been homeless before its safe to say I don't want to go back. Unfortunately current events in the US kleptocracy doesn't inspire me with much confidence. This weekend I dreamed about participating in bum fights. Just now I had a dream that can be described as Oliver Twist meets the Manson family in Deliverance country. Of course in my recent dreams I am an enthusiastic participant though I am usually too much a lone wolf to participate in deviant or salacious activities with the true sociopaths. I just don't intend to be last in the pecking order for meat or to show any weakness. I also had a dream Saturday about meeting the pope at the ballet theater. We mostly ignored each other.

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