Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Demonesses, fast food job, Copoeira, Ribbon of Sand dreams

Dream diary update. For weeks my dreams have been about hell so I haven't bothered trying to recall them. This past Saturday I woke up after having an erotic dream about being teased mercilessly by two demonesses.

They scissored and rubbed all over my body but refused to let me complete the deed just laughing and kissing instead. They had cute little horns and forked tongues which they group-kissed with but otherwise anatomically they were quite human.

Sunday night my dream of hell was about working a food preparation/McDonald's kitchen job for all eternity again.

I tried to stay cheerful as I suffered for an eternity of serving customers with a smile. Some guy kept screaming at me for more chicken nuggets and smacking me in the face.
Last night my dry spell finally broke. Instead of hell I had a dream of defeating a Capoeira master.

Of course my skill is always a combination of styles along with overwhelming force and fighting dirty so I always win in my dreams and usually in real life too.
Just now I was on the couch with Stinky the cat and listening to the replay of Ribbon of Sand on PBS.

So my dream was about swimming homelessly between Hawaiian Pacific islands and surviving as a sort of mercenary, street fighting beach bum. I stumbled across some fisherman's open shack and made myself at home while the waves and surf crashed around me until he showed up. When he stayed away from me and drove off, I assumed I was unwelcome so I wandered over to a tropical library. There I started to move inhumanly creating music by rapping my knuckles and floating along the concrete. I realized from this strange god-like activity that I must be awakening. I hurried inside to win 2 more fights to the death with an Indian and a Pakistani before I awoke to my peaceful life.

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