Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Heat, Prospero Spectre, Imaginer, Giant Centipede wrap dreams

   Since the heat and humidity returned 2 days ago, my sleep has become more interrupted and sporadic. That makes it harder to remember dream details, but I wake up during more of my REM dream cycles. So without AC my dreams are stronger and more impressive, but shallow. Since I went a week sleeping well but not remembering my dreams before, then I can't complain now that I'm sleeping badly and my dream memories are great. An additional sleep complication is one of the kittens disappeared while I was sleeping deeply last Thursday night. Probably he was skinned and eaten by an animal, or perhaps kidnapped and murdered by evangelicals/satanists for being black-colored. IDK but I feel guilty about failing to protect him. So I wake myself up about 10 times a night to check on the remaining cats now. I also make sure they always have somewhere to run away to like the garage.
   Monday morning I had a dream that was most nearly like the ones I used to have as a teenager about Edgar Allen Poe stories. I was a cowled dark figure who lived in a time around 1850. I had special abilities that included growing corridors and stairwells at will and levitation. I figure this was because I was watching animations of The Spectre Sunday night on Veoh. The plot of my dream was much like Will Shakespeare's Prospero character in The Tempest. At the end of my dream I renounced my magics, became ethereal like the Spectre, and awoke.

   Tuesday morning I woke up listening to Jackie Evancho singing "Imaginer" in my dream.  PBS is replaying her music special again this week and I heard part of it again Sunday morning. I had a feeling the dream was very surreal with colored cubes and rainbows. I had no sense of time or my location when I awoke.
   This morning (Wednesday) I didn't remember my initial dream upon awakening, but I drowsed off again after listening to cspan's Washington Journal. Around 1020 I had a very quick dream about a giant centipede that I rubbed all over my face for its venomous virtue and then draped across my shoulders like a python before awakening. I was face down on the couch.

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