Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chinese girlfriend, Country Angel, Classical orchestra, Elder Water God dreams

   Dream diary update. Saturday morning I had a wet sex dream where friends kept pushing me to multiple sex partners. I don't have either human friends or sex partners these days, so this dream was rather pleasant though innocently lewd. The effect was similar to being in one of these oversexed reality shows. I especially liked the Chinese girl they introduced me to even though she wasn't the prettiest. In my dream I was in my sunny penthouse loft apartment in a nice soft designer bed together & playing with her bare ass when I awoke.

I woke up alone in my dingy basement room on top of my wrecked bed, 20 years older, and 160 pounds heavier. So this dream didn't really take a lot of interpretation and I almost left it out of the diary.
   Sunday morning I woke up with a country song in my head. It was a song from my car radio about 'flying after my angel' or some-such. The song was sub-par so I didn't bother to identify it for the dream diary. Nevertheless it pursued my thoughts for hours through lunchtime and I ended up asleep all afternoon.
   Monday morning I woke up with an exquisite classical orchestra score playing in my head. This is ironic since Friday and Saturday night I went to sleep listening to classical music, but Sunday night I passed out with only the TV on sitcoms. I guess whatever the mind needs or misses the dreaming brain provides. I again didn't bother to identify the classical piece since it would have probably taken hours to id.
   An hour ago (Tuesday) I woke up and almost skipped the dream diary again. I concentrated on the dream this time and I remembered some details. I was an engineer on a bicycle. It was my job to bike to different communities and help them design a complex system of water locks to preserve their sources. It was a little like biking in Holland. The water locks were so complex that they were mysterious and puzzling. I secretly built puzzles into the locks as a way to get tributes to the Elder Gods from users of the locks. So people would bring their kids and families to see my locks while unknowingly providing sustenance to an Elder God. The Elder God I was helping was a benevolent water god with a fearsome aspect that I preferred stayed hidden from the supplicants. using my water lock puzzles I suspect it was Kthanid from Brian Lumley's novel The Clock of Dreams. I speed-read the book in a college library browsing area in 1999 while doing a survey of post-Lovecraft authors. Its widely regarded as bad writing. Nevertheless the altered Cthulus mythos had entered my dreams forever, much like my time spent biking in Amsterdam and Rotterdam did in 1990-91. So I awoke feeling energized from this pleasant and reflective dream

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