Friday, September 16, 2011

Kittens, allergies, ancient Egyptian goddess dreams

Dream diary update. The kittens have been sleeping with me ever since experiencing their first cold snap 2 days ago. My body heat is warmer than average so its understandable why they would sleep with me to keep warm. Wednesday was their first cold day and the remaining kittens Snooky and Smoky slept directly on my neck and chest upstairs, causing me to have dreams that were only about being face-to-face with happy & playful kittens.

Snooky is the white-and-grey she-kitten shown here. She liked sleeping stretched across my Adam's apple Wednesday. This caused me to snore loudly and to struggle with breathing a little all Wed morning. An additional factor interfering with breathing is we've all had pollen and mold allergies here this week. Though in my case allergies are extremely mild and not part of any CPD process. The kittens are on top of me right now.  For the last 2 mornings I've woken up thinking about friendship music and hearing various friendship songs in my dreams as well as some Simon & Garfunkel music. Just now I finally caught some zzzs upstairs without the kittens and though they were there in my dream it was not exclusively about them. I dreamed of losing control. A malevolent spirit wanted to use us to imprison a girl by locking her inside some ceremonial relics that looked ancient Egyptian.I was questing unsuccessfully alone to free her but ever so often I would get transported back to the dream realm I share with the kittens to watch another section of her imprisoned in gold relics in the ether above us. She was half-imprisoned with a golden queen mask on when I awoke.

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